Planning during internship Bank Company Limited

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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The internship has given me a rich experience, and I believe it is helping me discover my full potential when dealing with investment companies or banks. In this essay, I will explore the plan for my onboarding experience as well as the competent skills that I will have earned at the end of the internship. Planning during the internship is therefore very vital because it keeps the intern aware of his roles and the expectations of the company and his school have for him. Write Up 1: Onboarding
experience Overview of my position To begin with, my position as a team member of the Department of Equity Investment is an Associate. As an Associate at Industrial Bank Company Limited, I have a number of roles and responsibilities that I have to play, and these responsibilities should be in alignment with my SMART goals which are focused on improving and adding value to the Department of Equity Investment.

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Below is a simplified form of the reporting structure • President • Vice president • President Assistant • Director • Supervisor • Associate • Interns Preparation for internship The manager also took me through the ethics and legal issues that would govern my new role. Besides, he gave me a copy of the Bank’s rules and regulations that were to be adhered to. Moreover, on my first day of the internship, I was taken through the onboarding process that was meant to familiarize me with the new environment and to help me understand my new roles well. To prepare me for the job a combination of several processes were used which included training, meeting and even reading materials. Firstly, a meeting was convened that entailed being oriented to the systems and familiarizing with the key staff and colleagues with whom we would work together.

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Similarly, to learn the new policies and procedures of doing things I had to take time and familiarize with the new environment and even ask for clarification my mentor where I do not understand. To cope with the unique culture and routine, I need to be flexible to be able to adapt to the new environment. Continuous personal development Additionally, I understand that development is a constant process that encompasses even personal development. To overcome these challenges, however, I should have looked for a mentor early enough as well as enquiring from my instructor at school what was expected of me in my new job as an intern. Write Up 2: Relationships Building relationships and to be specific healthy relationship is very vital because it does not only create a breakthrough but also encourages most employees to work as a team and face the common challenges together.

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To develop these relationships, I have always sought to appreciate my colleagues, setting enough time to develop and nurture my relationships when free, controlling my emotional intelligence and identification of the most crucial needs and attending to them promptly. Understanding why I am in a relationship has helped me to better my relationships. Besides, I also reach out to my friends during lunch hours and have a discussion. Identifying my mentor Moreover, a mentor was assigned to me by the management. My mentor who happens to be the Vice president in the bank has been very influential and inspiring to me, and he has even helped a lot in improving my marketing, sales and trading efficiency. Gossip is a killer to many relationships and therefore in cases of conflict of interest with a co-worker I have always endeavored to approach him/her and discuss the issue directly.

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This has helped me achieve my goals since there unity among all associates. Write-up 3: Competency/Skill Development The purpose of this internship amongst other many reasons is to nurture the intern to become competent in several aspects. Moreover, the internship has also developed several skills in me that I believe will help me better my job performance. The three key competencies that I am building are valuing of differences, effective communication as well as managing conflict. Effective communication Communicating effectively is a competency that I seek to nurture and develop during my internship. Since my job entails interacting with customers daily and therefore to establish a good customer relationship, I ought to be efficient in my communication. For example, in the first days, I had a challenge when it came to communicating with my customers and hence my sales were very low.

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