Poor education preparedness in ethics for the undergraduate RN
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Nursing
Nurses operate in an environmental setting that exposes them continued making of decisions depending on the cases at hand. Therefore, they ought to employ ethical policies during decision making to ensure professionalism and respect on the rights of patients. The primary ethical roles of registered nurses involve health promotion, disease prevention, and alleviating suffering from their patients. The understanding of ethical policies and different codes of ethics in nursing profession determines the effectiveness in the relationship between patients and nurses in a healthcare setting (Kang, 2017). It is the responsibility of education in nursing to inculcate the valuable structure required by the nurses to follow ethics in their daily undertakings once they graduate from colleges. Thus, the overall welfare of patients in acute care environments, as well as outcomes of their treatment, will decline.
PICOT Question A combination of both qualitative and quantitative research is vital to help in enhancing levels of learning clinical ethics among the registered undergraduate nurses. The research problem will be appropriately addressed by using PICOT statement which involves; Population: Patients with acute care setting Intervention: Decrease the length of hospitalization for patients under acute care while increasing positive outcome of the patient Comparison: Lack of ethical preparedness Outcome: Improving the quality of healthcare delivery Time: within 180 days of practice. Purpose of the paper The purpose of the research is to determine the impact of poor preparedness of ethics among the undergraduate registered nurses on standard healthcare delivery and interpersonal relationship between patients and nurses involved in acute healthcare delivery. Level of Evidence The primary objective of the research is to provide evidence that addresses the question “how does undergraduate registered nurses’ preparedness in ethics compared to lack of ethical education improve the quality of healthcare within the first six months of practice in an acute care setting?” The research question will be addressed by searching evidence indicating the impact of ethics awareness in nursing on the relationship between patients and nurses in a healthcare setting.
The two articles were chosen because the two represent observational studies of cohort and case-control research (Song & Chung, 2010). The team provide both quantitative and qualitative studies and thus will help in determining the outcome of the study. Conclusion Carrying out effective research involves a lot of procedures to make sure the best information is used. Determine the specific subject of the role of a nurse in providing ethical healthcare services to patients under acute care, and being in a position to mobilize different databases from a search engine plays a significant role in selecting standard information. Generally, this procedure is essential in developing effective, factual and decisive ways of dealing with healthcare challenges. Journal Of Nursing Education And Practice, 7(10), 12. doi. org/10. jnep. v7n10p12 Song, J. edu. Retrieved 15 March 2018, from http://libguides.
winona. edu/c. php?g=11614&p=61584.
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