Principles of change management

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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The focus of human resource management has greatly changed over the years and is also in charge of the measurable impact of staff programs as well as change management. Organizations are always under pressure to adapt to changes as quickly as possible to accommodate the ever changing market as well as the varying consumer preferences. Depending on the dynamic of the change, it may take a short time or a long time to achieve the long term goals. Thus, the human resource comes in to ensure that the changes bring out the expected results. This paper will, therefore, focus on the Coca Cola Corporation and suggest the most applicable change model to carry out the changes in the organization which is divided into three major phases.

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Other changes required in the organization include improvement of the organization’s performance and efficiency of programs. All the above mentioned changes must be carried out by the human resource in the organization. In order to achieve these changes, they must accept to change their strategies which could be challenging. Therefore, the human resource department comes in to provide direction and ensure smooth transition. Kotter’s Theory This change model would be the best suited for the Coca Cola Corporation because it focuses more on the employees and less on the changes. Another barrier of designing change is lack of clear goals and targets. The team should note down the result expected from the change and the advantage it offers to the company.

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b) Techniques for Designing Change The techniques used in designing change play a primary role in the end result. The first and most important technique of designing change is involving the employees in every step of the changes through communication (Newton, 2016). Employees are the people who carry the burden of change since they are required to do ways differently to achieve a different result. If the organization faces resistance from the employees, it would be impossible to change. b) Techniques for Enacting Change. The team should create small milestones for the employees so that they feel that they are working towards something that is not too far. These small successes motivate the employees to more hardworking and look forward to other targets.

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For instance, if the sales of a certain soda should increase by at least 10% in a given month, the sales team should strive to increase the sales by 2. Failure to sustain change, the competitors will have a competitive advantage over a business. b) Sustaining Change Techniques. To ensure that there is constant change, an organization should always be looking forward to make improvements in the company so that they stay ahead of competition. The main competitor of Coca Cola is Pepsi (La Monica, 2018). If Coca Cola lags behind in making changes, Pepsi would take that as a business niche and use it to lure customers. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. NHS (19 April 2018).  The Burke Litwin Model of Organizational Change | Developing Together.  Nwacademy.

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