Problems and benefits of retrospective and prospective research designs
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Psychology
A prospective research design looks at people with a high risk of developing a disorder. It looks for results in the course of the study period and recounts this to other factors. It looks at the outcome and the development of a disorder. Prospective study involves taking a group of subjects and keeping watch over them over a long period. Its outcome of interest is supposed to be common. For example the effect of exposure to a certain risk factor on the eventual development of a certain disease. The cohorts are followed over a period of time to determine the incidence rates of the outcomes being studied. In this design, the odds ratio provides an estimate of relative risk. The advantage of this study is that it is small in scale, it takes short time for completion and it’s applicable to rare diseases which would need study of very large cohorts.
The benefit of this design is that there is discovery of how certain disorders are developed over time and may also show ways to enact or slow the development of that particular disorder. REFERENCES Hassan, Eman. Recall bias can be a threat to retrospective and prospective research designs. The Internet Journal of Epidemiology 3. Featherman, David L. Retrospective longitudinal research: Methodological considerations. Medical Care(1995): AS67-AS76. Bhat, Chandra R. and Frank S. Koppelman. A retrospective and prospective survey of time-use research. There is a high jeopardy of an individual to be diagnosed with bipolar I or II because cyclothymic disorder individuals have the schizoaffective disorder and this mean then if the stage is severe they may be related with psychotic disorder of which at a severe stage, will be diagnosed with bipolar disorders.
This therefore brings the first difference between cyclothymic and bipolar disorder. Cyclothymic disorder states developing at early childhood and teenage level. Its condition begins slowly and gradual as it climbs to its complex stage of severe symptoms. According to psychologist, there is a 15-50% chance of a person with cyclothymic to develop bipolar I and II. For one to suffer from bipolar I disorder they need to experience maniac episode and depression. However bipolar II individuals have to experience both hypomanic episode and depressive episode. Therefore when an individual that experience depressive and manic symptoms for a long time without reaching the full blown stage is hence referred to suffering from cyclothymic disorder. REFERENCES Akiskal, Hagop Souren. Subaffective Disorders: Dysthymic, Cyclothymic and Bipolar II Disorders in the “; Borderline” Realm. Pallaskorpi, Sanna, et al.
Five‐year outcome of bipolar I and II disorders: findings of the Jorvi Bipolar Study. Bipolar disorders 17. Zhu, Qisha, et al. Blink reflex under external emotional-stimuli in bipolar I and II disorders. Those with egotistic personality illness be certain of that they’re grander to others and have diminutive esteem for other people’s emotional state. It causes people to misunderstand what is happening with them. They are so easily hurt in the face of criticism and do not function well. Histrionic personality illness is a pattern of excess emotions and seeking attention behavior that starts by early childhood. Histrionic personality disorder co-occurs with supplementary illnesses like narcissistic and borderline personality disorder. It has these symptoms; Excessive position to other people to standardize self-confidence, Require for authorization from others, Strain knowing the feelings or needs of other people, superficial relationships, Magnificence, or feelings of privilege, Attention seeking and A strong belief that one is better than others.
The common symptoms of histrionic personality disorder on the other side are: Discomfort not being the focus of consideration, Incorrect flirtatious, seductive, or provocative behavior, Low and unpredictable emotions, Wearing in a way that attracts attention, such as wearing short skirt and low-cut tops, Overly impressionistic and shallow speech, Extreme emotionality and histrionic style and Overestimating the level of intimacy in a relationship. Another difference lies in their gender distribution. Narcissistic personality disorder is common in men whereas histrionic behavior disorder is more dominant in women. People with these disorders should be helped to reform to whole beings. Horton, E. Gail, Naelys Luna, and Tammy Malloy. Exploring the relationships between spirituality and personality disorder traits among a sample of in-patients in treatment for substance use disorder. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 14.
Reichborn-Kjennerud, T. The signs of delirium inaugurate over a few period of time and vary in the course of the day. They are shoddier during the night when things look less at ease with. Its prime signs and symptoms may include: abridged awareness of the environment which can lead to interference by inconsequential things or incapacity to stay attentive or to change topics. The second one is underprivileged mental damage which may be disclosed in meagre remembrance of past events, trouble in speaking, difficulties in understanding discourse and trouble in reading or writing. Behavioral changes like uneasy sleep habits, moaning, fantasies and restiveness is also another symptom of delirium. Dementia is the continued decline of memory and the other thinking skills as an outcome of plodding dysfunction and loss of brain cells.
The key cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. There are various types of dementia which include: Korsakoff Syndrome, Vascular Dementia, Parkinson’s disease Dementia, Posterior Cortical Atrophy, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, Mixed Dementia, Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease, Lewy Body Dementia, Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease, Frontotemporal Dementia and Huntington’s disease. There are various signs and symptoms of dementia which include: impaired memory, poor communication and language, inability to concentration and pay consideration, impaired reasoning and judgment and also impaired visual perception. These symptoms are progressive. REFERENCES Rabins, Peter V. Delirium and dementia: diagnostic criteria and fatality rates. The British Journal of Psychiatry 140. Fick, Donna M. Joseph V. Gibson. Cerebrometabolic aspects of delirium in relationship to dementia. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 10.
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