Professional Aspect of Care

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

A person who is under the care of a nurse is definitely not feeling well and it must be the priority of the nurse to ensure that they recover. This recovery cannot be possible unless the nurse shows that he or she cares for the patient. Being compassionate is more of being able to compromise with the patient and understand them. This is what patients need the most because when they feel that they are cared for, their recovery process becomes quicker. For a nurse, this is a way of doing good and it is more fulfilling to them that to anyone else. Having in mind that everyone is important and that they count, whether sick or healthy is a very good drive that is expected because it makes nurses show compassion to them knowing very well that anyone can be in the position a particular patient is (Coetzee, Knobloch & Klopper, 240).

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Respect and dignity is another value that NHS needs nurses to have. A patient may be sick to an extent that a nurse may be tempted not to treat them with some dignity. We are all humans and this might happen sometimes. However, this value ensures that such cases never exist because the nurse will be very respect full to every patient irrespective of their present conditions. A nurse who is dealing with a patient only knows the person as their patient and nothing more. Their family members are also new to the nurse and this may sometimes cause conflicts that the nurse has to deal with (Jameton & Andrew, 10). When the needs of the patient remain paramount to everything else than solving such disputes without forgetting that they are supposed to care for their patients cannot be a problem.

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However, as a nurse, disputes are expected. Part B The Therapeutic Relationship Therapeutic relationship refers to the working alliance between the patient and the nurse in this case. Once this is done, the working relationship is initiated to make treatment possible (Bandman, Elsie & Bertram, 21). When the patient can easily communicate with their nurse, helping them becomes easy because it is through this understanding that the nurses develop more care and show compassion to the patient. Caring Values Nurses have to show caring values to their patients. This is what this topic emphasizes. Nurses must have the emotional intelligence to show compassion to their patients (Orem, Dorothea, Taylor & Kathie, 14). Nurses who show compassion to their patients because they have to find the profession very difficult because they tend to be forcing themselves to care when in the real sense, it is not very easy for them too.

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This is a rare case but it has to be looked into because such is the nature of human beings. Communication Skills Communication is very important in caring and showing compassion for patients. The nurse must know how to communicate with the patient in such a way that it takes care of their emotional needs. The patient must be told the exact things he or she needs to hear in order to recover. While this duty may sometimes not be taken very seriously, nurses have a legally binding duty that requires them to be there for their patients. This is the profession they took and so they have an obligation to perform at all costs. Even if a nurse does not want to perform, they are left with no choice but to do what is required.

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Failure would mean that they are either denouncing themselves from the profession or anything related to that. However, legal issues only bind the nurse to their profession but cannot bind them to the patients they serve (Guido & Ginny, 64). This is part of the oath nurses take when they are certified to practice. Ethical Issues Nurses have the obligation to adhere to all the ethical issues that involve their profession. An example of ethical principles expected of nursing is beneficence. This upholds that nurses have to do good. Doing good can only be achieved when nurses are caring for their patients. Work Cited Bandman, Elsie L. , and Bertram Bandman.  Nursing ethics through the life span. Blais, Kathy.  Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives.

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