Project Management Report
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Management
Objectives of the project 8 2. Procedures and Timeline 9 2. Project Management Plan 9 2. Project plan management structure 10 2. project assessment 11 2. conclusions and recommendation 17 Work Cited 17 Appendix 1 executive summary………………………………………………………………19 Appendix 2 introduction………………………………………………………………………19 Appendix 3 project objectives…………………………………………………………………. Appendix 4 procedures and timeline……………………………………………………. Appendix 5 project management plan………………………………………………………. Appendix 6 project structure breakdown……………………………………………………. Appendix 7 projesct risk assesment and management plan………………………………. QUESTION 3 Using the information below, plot out a full project Gantt chart and identify the critical path. How many days does it take to complete the project? What are the benefits of using a Gantt chart? Tasks 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D E F G H A,C,F,G is the critical path 5+1+2+2+2=12 days to completion The benefits of using a Gantt chat are as follows: • Gantt charts can be used to priorities task. They are the most convenient way of scheduling activities hence assisting in monitoring and keep track of the entire project stages.
• It acts a tool for planning the entire project process since the chart shows the start of the project to the very end (4) QUESTION 4 Why would you include contingency funding in project cost estimates? (4marks). The budget for the full scope of the entire project is arrived at by categorizing the project into cost areas hence coming u with a rough estimate of the total cost of the project. Project quality management consists of plan quality management which sets the standards for the required project, control quality management which controls and monitors the activities to assess the quality and lastly perform quality which ensures that the requirements of the projects are adhered to and quality services delivered (Low et al 16). Task 2: 2. Executive Summary This report gives a breakdown of the stages that the company will undertake in expanding the business by opening a new branch.
The summary entails the project management process as well as the requirements by the management in ensuring the project manager is able to make a good plan. The report is related to the recent decision by the management to open a resort containing a spa, swimming pool, housekeeping, and other stipulated areas as required by the management 2. The project will also lay down the guidelines on how to the plan will be conducted. Procedures and Timeline In most cases, one of the commonly misunderstood concepts about the project is that the project plan absolutely equates to its timeline. The main reason explaining that theory is that is because the project plan is termed as being the main product of the whole planning exercise. Therefore, it consists of all the planning documents of the project (Steenkamp, 2017).
As a result of this, it implies that baselines or performance measures are other main tools for measuring the performance of the whole project. The end result of this exercise entails embarking in doing extra planning, with the idea that baseline/s will change. This is to say that it enables the project manager to document all that should be done by the project group when variances to the business evolve (Haynes et al. Project plan management structure Level one –stakeholders and sponsors Level two-project manager Level three-project team Level four-project assessment team Establishing the clear chain of command is helpful in guiding the project team on how to operate. This type of leadership style whereby a clear line is drawn to distinguish seniors from juniors usually is effective when time factor is considered clear.
Several variables under the chain of command during the project implementation stage has to be considered, the variances include things like how the project should be followed, the person to be notified, who the resulting cages ought to be financed, and so on (Steenkamp, 2017). Other than evaluating its timeline, they usually aid in developing the scope baseline as well as approving the documents concerning the scope of the project. Bell, (2014) asserts that the project manager is also important at this stage because he or she will assist in creating, executing, and controlling the project plan. The reason that makes them not to approve it is that they do not build such plans. Project teams are also essential in developing various aspects of the plan, for instance, quality of the project, identifying risks, as well as designing issues (Heravi et al.
End users and other related individuals, such as procurement analyst, risk analyst, and so on are essential in approving various parts concerning customers (Warburton et al. A meaning meeting must have the agenda for the discussion and some of the topics relevant for the kick-off meeting are contained in the scope. elements of the project scope document Key players stakeholders This is concerned with the visions and mission the sponsors have for the project Project team The strategy for team building and members contribution towards the project Project managers This is the vision and objectives the managers have regarding the project supervisors The roles of each key player and responsibilities Decision makers Who are in charge of making key decisions guidelines The rules and regulation to be followed through the entire project Company policies The company rules and regulations 3.
strategy and approach The approach employed by the project team in breaking up the stages of project management should be simple and clear to understand. More complex procedures tend to be misunderstood by many stakeholders in the process (Kerzner, & Kerzner, 2017). Developing a scope statement should follow after the kick-off meeting. Some of the elements contained in the work breakdown form are the work to be done, the people to do the work, the structure of the work from high state to the lowest level (work package) as well as the activities to be conducted in each process from project, product, outcome and eventually benefits (Collier et al. Costs and budgeting According to Collier et al. cost is the most crucial part that poses as challenge whenever the organization is about to adjust its budget.
Some projects are too costly for a company to just decide on taking the risk. However, the cost baseline and creating a schedule on the work breakdown strategy may convince the management to accept the plan. This can be termed as variance management in relation to the plan of work. The continuous process in approving and reviewing the stages will help in deciding on what side needs modification and what side needs help as per the baselines (Bell, 2014). Various level of approval is required for a certain way of change. New requests must be monitored to figure out the results of the project itself (Greiman 201). Staffing The next process is to engage in staffing plan development. Harding, (2017), affirms that quality plans must be created by setting high standards in delivering, the type of activities to engage in during the project as well as the method of creating acceptance to the market.
It is not a guarantee for all projects to attain success at the beginning. Some unexpected risk may occur and cause serious damage to the plan or the organization at large (Haynes et al. The project manager must display the quality of an entrepreneur such as a risk taker when proposing for a new project. However, he/she must also possess' problem-solving skills in the manner in which he will tackle the issue of project risk (Warburton et al 379). Internet resource. Bell, J. Doing Your Research Project: A guide for first-time researchers. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Collier, B. w22612). National Bureau of Economic Research. Greiman, Virginia. Megaproject Management: Lessons on Risk and Project Management from the Big Dig. Print. Corporate real estate asset management: Strategy and Implementation. Taylor & Francis. Heravi, A. Coffey, V.
and Trigunarsyah, B. Project Quality Management [recurso Electrónico]: Critical Success Factors for Buildings. n. d. Internet resource. Mastering Principles and Practices in Pmbok, Prince2, and Scrum: Using Essential Project Management Methods to Deliver Effective and Efficient Projects. Springer. Thamhain, H. J. Assessing the effectiveness of quantitative and qualitative methods for R&D project proposal evaluations. Engineering Management Journal, 26(3), pp. Appendix 3: project objectives i) Results- the project under consideration should yield positive results as expected by the management. ii) Customer satisfaction-the project is geared toward satisfying the customers and making sure that their concerns are well addressed iii) Time management-project should be completed within the allocated time frame. iv) End users- all stakeholders must have a share in the project in the course of the entire process. Appendix 4: Procedures and Timeline i) Timelines.
The project should be carried out within the allotted time frames. • Leadership- The project manager must have the ability to guide the project team and motivate the team through various ways to ensure that the ultimate goal is achieved. • Financial understanding- should be able to interpret figures and project the future through the financial documents as well as have good understanding of the sector. Ability to budget and estimate the cost and revenue expected. Appendix 6: project process breakdown • Time frames- this is the period that each stage in the process that the project will take. The process requires patient since it's not a onetime plan but a continuous process that needs adjustments at some points.
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