Psychobiography on Colin Kaepernick

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

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However, it is not only his career stunt that made him famous but also his 2016 actions when he ignited firestorms of controversy when he chose to kneel on one knee while the national anthem was being played rather than standing. In his interviews, he explained that he was protesting against racial injustice in the United States. This action led to positive and negative responses from different groups of people. A weird suggestion from the negative critics one that suggested that players who protested were supposed to be fired- this was an act that even made some fans to leave the stadium and others decided not to watch NFL games at all. On the other hand, players and fans who responded positively to his acts choose to protest in various ways during the national anthem.

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Firstly, Colin had planned to speak a specific message to the Americans about the issues of social justice. He firstly refused to stand up when the Star - Spangled Banner was playing. As if that was not enough, he went ahead and decided to kneel with one knee when the American national anthem was playing. The scenario here depicts that Colin was conscious when trying to speak his views about social injustice and he wanted every person in the nation to receive this message. In psychobiology, it is important to note that Colin depicted incentives of stability. It was a depiction of being subversive rather than a protest in real sense (McCrae & Sutin, 2009). It is a very strong critique in the political realm because it targeted the physical and the mental space that can play a powerful role in the incentives of fighting social injustice in the United States.

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In real sense, taking a knee is an act that tends to invite contemplation. Openness to experience was an act that made it easy for Colin to be the only person kneeling while everyone else was standing up for the national anthem. It was not a sign of disrespectfulness as many people would think or contemplate. What people would say was not his concern instead; it was how his actions would instigate changes in the social justice systems of the nation. It appears that Colin had a clam and very stable personality. He had a very good psychological well-being. Finally, extraversion is another trait that is evident in this scenario. According to Watson & Clark (1997), “Extraversion has been included as a higher-order factor in every major taxonomic scheme of personality traits that have been developed during the past 50 years.

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In this theory, there is a major explanation that all people are born knowing and understanding how to be healthy and naturally drawn to make healthy choices in life. On top of that, several healthy natural whims that are disenchanted by teachers, parents, religious leaders and other authoritative figures that act on a variety of dysfunctional convictions endorsed by cultural elements or from motives that are abusive. In this approach, there is a speculation that care, support, and love are the main elements that can help people fix themselves. Kaepernick said “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way…This stand wasn’t because I feel like I’m being put down in any kind of way.

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This is because I am seeing things happen to people that do not have a voice: people that do not have a platform to talk and have their voices heard and affect change. If you look at the statements and actions of Colin, you will see that he fully understood that if a person wants to achieve his or her happiness it was imperative for him or her to develop a certain level of freedom within himself or herself so that he or she can pursue his or her deepest secrets. Additionally, there are numerous ways of sabotaging and killing the interests of an individual. If people have to be free, they need to overcome all the roadblocks, which can either come in the form of duty or fear.

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In this case, Colin used the techniques that are developed from the humanistic theory to deliver a message that would trigger different emotions across the nation-even the president himself commented after his actions. Colin has a personality of setting limits for himself when doing something. The personality of Kaepernick could be grafted from the fact that he did not look like his parents. He was an adopted child. He was half-African and half white but his adopting family was white. He would face many challenges because people would notice that he was different from the other family members. This is what made him start fighting against social injustice. It is a theory that can be used to explain why Colin decided to kneel when reciting the national anthem.

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