Psychological Disorder in the Fisher King Film

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

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In general, the movie talks about two men, Jeff Bridges and Parry (Robbin Williams). Their connection steams from occasions encompassing a frightful murdering binge. In this binge, the wife of Parry and others are executed just before Parry's eyes. Jack who is a Dee Jay in New York is caught in the murder as he converses with the murderer before his storm, and without knowing tells him to proceed with it. Because of these killings, the two are mentally affected. He frequently fantasizes that he is visited by "little people" to prompt him on his journey. Moreover, Parry likewise observes the "Red Knight", a vast, huge adversary that rides a dark steed and breathes fire. The "Red Knight" regularly show up at whatever point he endeavored to show confidence. He trusts that he is a knight sent by God on a holy mission.

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We see that Robin Williams who is also knowns as Parry appears to have a psychological disorder. Additionally, we see that despite schizophrenia, Parry has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The disorder is linked with the death of his wife in a restaurant massacre. This is because; before the killing of his wife, Robin was a professor in a college, a job which is not really a free-stress, and at the same time he has trauma. It is likely to suffer from the disorder. Again, Parry still remembers the killing of his wife, he flashes back, and this is a symptom of the disorder. I discovered Robin William picture very practical. The film makings completed a great job with what the audience heard or saw and what they didn't. For example, Parry's visualization of the Red Knight appeared.

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I think this made the film more exact on the grounds that, despite the fact that, all things considered, you can't see a schizophrenic's hallucinations, it helped shield Parry from being so effortlessly named "insane. This is on account of you were seeing what he was, thus it was justifiable, not insane or irregular, for him to be as frightful as he seemed to be. Therefore, it is clear Jack is suffering from a depressive disorder (Ebert, Roger 1991). On the other hand, Parry, after witnessing the death of his wife, he is continually haunted by a hallucinatory red knight who terrifies him. He becomes delusional and slips into a catatonic state which affects his social behavior. He finds it too hard to cope and adopts the persona Parry from his name, Henry.

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As a result, he is unresponsive to the reality of the world. Criterion E ( Alteration in Arousal And Reactivity) Diagnosis for Schizophrenia. Criteria Signs and Symptoms Criterion A • Parry enters into a catatonic state and decides to take the persona, Parry, as he becomes obsessed with the legend of the Fisher King. • Parry, after witnessing the death of his wife, he is continually haunted by a hallucinatory red knight who terrifies him. Criterion B • Parry is beyond DSM minimum requirements; he has auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations Criterion C • Parry has impairment of functioning alongside with constant signs of disturbance for the last six months. Criterion D • Jack falls deeply into depression and finds it hard to do daily activities and falls into alcoholism. The fisher king: the book of the film.

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Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, 1991. Gilliam, Terry, et al. The fisher king. Columbia Tristar Home Vidéo [éd.

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