Quality research critique

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

Therefore, the following paper will endeavor to offer a quality research critique on article that investigated the research topic. The article was based on a qualitative study. Title The article used in the article is a good one since it briefly informs the readers the main theme of the study. The author of the article has used a title that is quite clear to the targeted audience and therefore one is able to understand the key role of the study. Moreover, the title of the article has also informed the targeted audience the type of the study that was carried out by the researcher. The introduction has a number of sections that facilitates in understanding the concepts and procedures undertaken to proceed to the next section. Moreover, the presence of logically organized sections reflects there is consistent flow of ideas.

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Statement of the Problem The author has failed to state the problem that he will be studying in a clear manner and therefore readers have to spend plenty of time to identify the key problem that is addressed. It is also good to note that there is plenty of information that has been used to explain the problem that is under study. Use of too many words enhances in making the problem persuasive in terms of depicting the relevance of studying the matter. It is clear that the researcher did not pay adequate attention to the previous recent studies that have been conducted by other scholars. Absence of the critical literature review has made the article to lack a solid basis for the study. There is no significant evidence in the article that is indicating that there is a gap in the caring for technology-dependent children and thus the study is unable to provide substantial relevance of the study.

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Absence of the literature review section makes the article also lack a philosophical basis that is relevant for the problem under study. Additionally, absence of the critical review literature section also has made the researcher to fail to indicate the salient weaknesses that have been common in the recent studies and the new knowledge that the current study will introduce. Based on the nature of the sensitive information that was collected from the targeted respondents, ethical considerations is a paramount issue that was observed. Before the researcher proceeded to collect the data from the participants, ethical approval wasto be sought and approved. Special considerations was made especially on how to approach the bereaved parents and the researchers ensured necessary support, as well as guidance, was provided to the targeted participants. The ethical considerations that were made by the researcher maximized the benefits to the participants.

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It is also worth noting the subject under investigation was subject to the review due to the sensitive information it was to collect from the targeted participants. Similarly, the approach that was used to recruit the parents was also based on parents whose teens who had previously received step-down attention in one of the teen’s hospice. Therefore the entire approach employed to recruit the respondents in the study facilitated in recruiting the right respondents. Sample size used in a study is very important because it determines the accuracy of the findings that will depict the status of the studied population. The researcher used a sample size of three families and 26 professionals to collect the targeted data. Based on the scope of the information that was to be collected, the researcher could have used a sample size that was large enough to minimize the sampling error.

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The approach that the researcher employs to obtain data from the respondents determine the response rate and also accuracy of the provided responses. The researcher avoided taking notes during the interview in order to ensure the participants were given adequate attention. Moreover, the semi-structured interview topic guides were used to guide the researcher in asking only the relevant research issues. Parents were requested to narrate story about their child, care needs, the hospitalization and also discharge from the hospital. The information that parents provided during the interview exercise facilitated in the collection of sufficient amount of data. The interaction between the researchers and the participants was well organized in order to mitigate any possible distortions among the participants. Semi-structured interview topic guides were used to guide the researcher during the research procedures.

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Moreover, summary notes were taken immediately after the interview and therefore it is possible to audit the findings achieved from this study. Results Data Analysis Data management, as well as data analysis methods employed in the study, are well elaborated in the article. Every single step that was conducted to facilitate in successful analysis of data was properly documented and managed. Presence of different types of models of thematic findings can facilitate accessibility. It can, therefore, be asserted that the analysis and how the research findings were presented failed to offer a significant depiction on the prevailing problem that was under investigation. Discussion Interpretation of Findings The interpretation provided in this article is very thought-provoking, particularly to a health service provider. The researcher has provided the findings of both the parents and professionals which was within the limitation offered by the study.

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It is good to note that the researcher has spent substantial amount of time and effort to discuss and interpreted the key findings of the study. Moreover, I believe the findings of this study have a significant role to enhance improvement in clinical practice. References Bryman, A.  Social research methods. Oxford university press. Flick, U.

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