Recent Information Security Breaches

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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Confidentiality. Certification that information is only revealed to the relevant sources and people while ensuring that it remains inaccessible to unauthorized people. In this principle, data should be accessible to an individual with a certain allowed level of permission and privileges. Cryptography. An art applied in ensuring data confidentiality. Thus maintaining the data's dependability and accuracy in its original form to ensure the data meaning is not lost ("Guiding Principles in Information Security"). Information security breaches in recent times Data breaches are becoming a common occurrence. They pose a significant risk to the companies in question, insurers, and users of the accounts provided by the companies both financially and reputation damage risk. Below are Some of the recent data breaches. Yahoo.

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The bleach happened through access to three employees' credentials, and the hackers had database access for 229 days. On realizing the bleach, eBay subsequently requested subscribes to change their passwords promptly. Separate backups ensured no credit card information lost. The hacking resulted in a decline in eBays subscriber activity but didn’t affect much of their revenue earnings. Equifax. Uber. Two hackers accessed telephone numbers, names and emails of 57 million Uber users while exposing six hundred thousand Uber drivers. Uber ended up paying the hackers do destroy the data while recording a massive drop in market value of close to 20million U. S dollars. JP Morgan Chase. Sony had failed to encrypt millions of account details giving easy access to passwords, addresses, and user history.

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Anthem. A US insurer suffered the compromise of 78 million customer details, with the bleach costing Anthem close to 100 million US dollars (Armerding). Home Depot. The security breach that involved 56 million subscribers, with the company shelling out 19. Uses patches, to ensure that the software they use is up to date with recent security fixes. Encrypt data stored in their systems including databases and removable media. Two-factor authentication. Application of two-factor authentication improves data protection. Two-factor authentication allows access to information when one has both physical access and nonphysical security such as a password. With technology evolving, this is the only sure way to secure a platform. Sensitive data firms utilize respectable hackers to test and ascertain their security systems. Evaluations of vulnerabilities are paramount to ensure weak links are spotted and strengthened.

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Keep keys private. Access to an encryption key is as good as access to the information sent. Firewalls. These block unwanted access by utilizing packet filtering, to determine whether to accept or drop a packet. They serve as immediate protection to user computer from the internet. Users user can maximize firewalls by customizing permissions to block specific connections they don’t want. Firewalls function on predefined instructions that allow or deny access. They avert running of this software’s and remove them if infiltration occurs. Software controls offer system restoration when a system corruption has occurred ("Guiding Principles in Information Security"). Conclusion It’s evident from the cited examples that the appreciation of data integrity and security of great importance. It is a continuous and determined attempt that evolves regularly with new technology development and advancement.

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