Reflective writing simulation

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

Although our team did encounter challenging time while making some decisions since each member had a distinct notion, nevertheless overall our choices in association with the theories enable us to endure till the end with good profits. “Aspiration is the drive to motivation, but it is the commitment and determination to the unrelenting quest of individual objective, an obligation to excellence which allows a person achieve the success he seeks” (Ros, Martinez, & Ruiz, 2014). We anticipate that this say was a point on since our group miserably failed during the preliminary and never realized our obligation to attain victory in the subsequent capstone simulation. We had never faced a simulation/game as Capstone and felt the group may possess drawback because it was not our last semester of the international management program.

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Our early reaction regarding simulation was that it was overwhelming and confusing. Despite our application of all the above skills, we failed because we could not meet the market demand. We have to accept that due to our continuous our personality clash in the team; each of the group members was dedicated to achieving the role effectively. From Ros, Martinez, and Ruiz (2014) understanding one another is the first stage of breaking the communication obstacle. The commitment even motivated us on proper time management which resulted in meeting twice in one week to attempt and improve our position and obtain a good grasp of the entire game simulation idea. The team was never rational regarding how to link the clashing personalities or miscommunication gap.

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Accordingly, we failed to pick the appropriate business plan and abide by it to come up with crucial markets and generate success with everyone possessing similar objective in mind. As soon as we keyed in on that as well as put choices grounded in our predictions and calculations, we began to observe negative outcomes. We never view if we will prosper in the business world. Actually, when our team would have had a successful business project, it would have led to a massive profit and the group would have learned from the perfection. Unfortunately, that happened, and the team were incapable of making more evaluated choices and fulfilling the simulation quite effectively. Concerning our effectiveness in time management throughout simulation activity, frequently, the greatest blockade to managing a team’s timeliness and the workload is inadequate communication.

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As we knew that to be an operative leader, one cannot just give directives and expect workforces to follow the order. We learned various means of communicating which comprises plain, a trusting atmosphere, active listening and direct speech. We often verbalize details, and people always listen attentively. Everybody was feeling free to inquire and give feedback. The knowledge we gained and learned from the simulation business made us feel more confident regarding our abilities to perform tasks and roles due to experience. By practicing whatever we have studied more about, we placed theory to practice that develops our confidence and enhances the comprehension and learning. The team noted that a group can produce a better output and synergy than a person.

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