Relations between the US and the Rest of the World

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:History

Document 1

A) diplomatic history has taken various forms and approaches that basically fit with three descriptive confines. Among these are the preference to remain isolated from any form of diplomatic relations and ties with other nations (most notably with European nations) and choice to form ties and alliances with foreign nations and military partners. At other times, the country decided upon unilateral policy and solely operated upon its own decided policies and decision paths. As such, the history of the United States’ foreign relations can be traced along these three paths of engagement. The choice to either engage with other nations, operate under unilateralism, or isolation from diplomatic ties with other nations were notably informed by such aspects as the rate of population and economic growth in the country as well as the military capacity.

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Notably, these ideals would evolve to become the base under which the Federalist Party would operate within the 1970s. However, the Jeffersonians during the time had fear for Britain, and were particularly inclined towards relations with France. This culminated into the declaration of War on Britain in 1812. It is here that one pauses and considers that after the alliance with France in 1778, the USA would desist from any binding treaties or permanent alliances till 1949 when the North Atlantic Treaty was signed. From this, various policies and stances have been adapted over the years with the coming of different presidents who enacted various Presidential doctrines on foreign policy that were named after them. This was, however, after the US had purchased Alaska from the Russia in 1867 and annexed Hawaii in 1898.

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War marked most of the 20th century, and this is the period that saw the US revise most of its international relations policies and international engagement. Together with allied nations, the US conquered rivals in the World Wars and increased its international reputation. Through the Wilsonian program, the US sought to spread democracy to the rest of the world by countering militarism in a bid to end all feuds and wars that were on-going. This became the foundation under which the German Armistice was reached. The Democrats on the other hand relied upon the concept of reciprocal trade associations and agreements. From the non-intervention policy adapted by the US in 1932 to 1938, the next phase in international relations during World War II was the formation of alliances to defeat common enemies, Germany and Japan.

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In the period, the US considered the policy of becoming a supporter of democracy without the active involvement of US troops in the wars. This would be carried out by the sending of financial support as well as equipment to the allied forces and nations. President Franklin Roosevelt recognized a set of four fundamental rights and freedoms that people world over should enjoy, and cited that the US would help forces that would commit to the achievement of these. One side was led by the US and the other by the USSR. In the division, the Non-Aligned movement was born, and the cold war would live on till the end of the 20th century. During the cold war, the USA adapted a containment policy to limit the spread and adaptation of Soviet ideas and influence.

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This led to a number of proxy wars that often had mixed results and outcomes. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 into separate states, the US reached out to the individual states for diplomatic recognition and signing of peace agreements. S international relations policies also involve the chance to openly work with allied countries in the addressing of world problems such as pollution and deforestation. This has been through the signing of various environmental and peace treaties. The 21st century has seen many new countries rise to global dominion and control, which has made the US revise its foreign policies to match the new changes that arise. These include China, India, Russia and as well as the rise of the European Union.

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