Relationship between Chinese and Hot Water

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Cultural Studies

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A few years ago, when I was a child, my grandmother taught me to drink hot water. I remember my grandmother always brought me hot water when I went out and gave me hot water when I woke up in the morning. To be honest, I never liked it because I didn't think it was important for my health, growth and development. It’s because I like cold water, and I've always wanted it, because I feel at ease after drinking it. As such, it is essential to understand the hot water among the Eastern people especially the Chinese, why people like drinking it, as well as the physiological and medical advantages of drinking the hot water as opposed cold water. In all, by 1862, about two million refugees had settled in Shanghai.

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In June of the same year, cholera spread throughout the popular city. The epidemic kills about 3,000 people a day, and it's devastating. Soon after, the nationwide epidemic spread north and eventually hit Beijing. However, the south was not attacked, and this formed the basis for promoting the supply of hot water, because many people believed that the safety of the south was mainly due to people drinking a lot of hot water here, rather than people in the north dying of cholera. Although hot water is generally used in many applications such as showering, and washing up utensils, it is not common to find it being used as a beverage. Many people, both from China and the rest of the world, believe that the intake of hot water depends on one’s cultural standpoint.

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In America, to be specific, I came to realize that water intake greatly depends on the service when eating in restaurants and hotels. Hoteliers expect customers to fill their water glasses when they see it empty, which may be a basic reason for cold drinks in restaurants (Saketkhoo, Kiumars, Januszkiewicz & Marvin 412). In the event of accidental spillage, cold water would not hurt anyone, while hot water has high chances of hurting someone if it pours accidentally. This made me regret drinking cold water, then I considered taking Hot water, and hot water relieved my headache a little bit. However, I had to see medical attention as fast as I could. It is therefore for the best interest of many Americans and people from other parts of the world to consider the intake of hot water instead of cold water.

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So, for the best benefit of the rest of the world, I think it's a good idea to consider drinking hot water instead of cold water. It is astonishing that the Chinese government is currently using hot water availability as a measure of whether a facility or an organization is meets the building regulations. Works Cited Cantor, Kenneth P. Drinking water and cancer. Cancer Causes & Control 8. Deason, Rachel. Why Do Chinese People Drink Hot Water?" Culture Trip, theculturetrip. In Which Cultures Do People Prefer to Drink Hot Water? - Quora.  Quora - A Place to Share Knowledge and Better Understand the World, www. quora. com/In-which-cultures-do-people-prefer-to-drink-hot-water.

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