Report on enterprise system

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

Also, the paper details the contribution of the enterprise system on the business performance. Introduction Businesses are striving to gain a competitive advantage within the limited market margin. Various activities and practices are being integrated within these businesses’ platforms. The likes of supply chain management and enterprise systems have marked the current experienced advances made by organizations. Before executing rather including the phenomena in the business, it is ideal to consider for instance the influence that enterprise system has to the business performance. The innovative approach of enterprise system does foster the practice of shaping the business by outlining and specifying the business segments and deriving the roles, responsibilities of the business staff. The practice goes hand in hand with the influence experienced enhancing the communication structure and grid of the business.

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It does communicate the business-critical information by outlining the enterprise performance to the management across the business platform which influences the process of decision making within the disputed times. It is confirmatory that the enterprise system boosts the power of deciding by the managers with the integration of decision support systems. There are various variables to be considered while gauging the performance of the organization as far as the enterprise systems are concerned. Supply chain management has remained a breakthrough in business to enhance the collaborative relationship. Various drivers must be considered while integrating supply chain management in business as well as sustaining the mechanism within the enterprise. The drivers to consider have been categorized under the internal drivers and the external drivers, however, the common drivers may include but both limited to customers, business processes, and supply chain information among others.

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The internal driver of the organization capability to create a risk management environment is a requirement towards managing the arising threats. Managing risks is a critical requirement which every enterprise should adopt sophisticated mechanisms to create a better operational environment. The mechanism does facilitate the sharing of information amongst the supply chain partners. Nevertheless, the drive does encompass the sub-principles of inventory planning and desirable production strategies. Business processes mark a deterministic drive that allows or empowers the supply chain management strategic objectives. While introducing supply chain management system in the business, it is desirable to integrate business processes in both the intra and inter-organization. Therefore, these business processes must be coupled alongside the established information infrastructure to give efficient support to the flow of materials or resources through the enterprise supply chain.

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The supply chain management system is normally integrated into business to acquire and improve much on the competitiveness. Therefore, competition marks an exclusive driver that must be valued towards achieving the objective of the business. Above all competitive advantage can be achieved easily with the integration of the supply chain in the business. Organizational change management considerations Businesses undergo change process while integrating various concepts and phenomena within its platform of operation. Various organizational change management consideration variables are necessary for the adoption of an enterprise system. Conclusion As pointed out in the research, business performance depends highly on the critical mechanisms integrated within the respective enterprise. Even though information technology is experiencing advancement, it is changing the culture of businesses.

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