Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

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deaths for every 100,000 people in 1999 to 5. deaths in every 100,000 people (Finklea, 2012). The PDMP program is therefore designed to ensure that this trend is indeed reversed by facilitating closer monitoring when it comes to the use of opioid based prescription drugs but this approach is in itself raising concerns among many concerned parties. So far, there have been concerns regarding the use of PDMP on the part of many physicians who are of the view that the program places unnecessary requirements on them thus further complicating the practice of emergency medication. Furthermore, there is limited information regarding the overall effectiveness of PDMP as a solution to the increasing cases of opioid abuse on the part of patients. The study concludes by underscoring the importance of harmonizing the approach that medics use while consulting the program.

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Smith, R. et al. How, Why, and for Whom Do Emergency Medicine Providers Use Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs? Pain Medicine, 16 (6), Pages 1122–1131, How, Why, and for Whom Do Emergency Medicine Providers Use Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs?  This article focuses on the use of the PDMP program by physicians and how the program can be improved. The article appreciates the fact that currently, the rate at which people are becoming addicted to opioid medication is very high. Most of the respondents actually indicated that they do indeed interact with the PDMP system on a regular basis. The actual number of respondents who confirmed that they interact with the system on a regular basis was actually 95 percent thus confirming that many physicians in the state have indeed embraced this system. Moyo, P et al.

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Impact of prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) on opioid utilization among Medicare beneficiaries in 10 US States. PubMed, The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program is program that tries to regulate the use of opioid medication with an overall view of reducing the levels and rates of addiction. Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Are Associated With Sustained Reductions In Opioid Prescribing By Physicians. This article underscores the overall effectiveness of PDMP in the reduction of opioid subscription within the state. The study relied on data from national survey and the data reveals that the program resulted in a reduction of 30 percent of all opioid based subscriptions. Prescription drug monitoring and drug overdose mortality The study relates the PDMP program with overall mortality rates. The overall conclusion from the study indicates that this program indeed has the effect of reducing the overall mortality rates associated with program.

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Furthermore, the study also entailed the use of online surveys as the primary method of data collection and a total of 88 online surveys were administered to the respondents. The research was able to conclude that the utilization of the drug monitoring program was actually quite low and this could be attributed to the fact that only a limited number of physicians were able to access the system. Ultimately, the study concludes that ease of accessibility and positive attitude towards the program will improve utilization. Research approach The research approach used will be quantitative research. Furthermore, the research will also adopt the use of a non-experimental approach in which the researchers will gather data from a group of respondents touching on the research topic. The process will commence with the researchers interacting with the potential respondents and requesting the respondents to furnish them with their email addresses to facilitate their participation in the study.

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Data collection The overall reliability of the research findings will rely heavily on the data collection methods employed. The research on the overall effectiveness of PDMP will employ the use of online surveys during the data collection process. Online surveys are regarded to be effective due to the fact that they can enable the researchers reach a lot of respondents at the same time. The researchers will therefore be able to collect data from many respondents adding to the reliability of the data. Under probability sampling, there are several sub categories that constitute the actual randomization techniques. For that reason, the specific probability sampling method used will be stratified sampling. Stratified random sampling Stratified random sampling is a probability sampling method that entails the splitting of the entire population into several groups and a specific number of respondents drawn from each group.

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For instance, the population of patients in the PDMP study will be divided according to the states that are present in the country. The researchers will then set aside a specific quarter for each state say 50 respondents from every state. First and foremost, the research was based on the general assumption that most people must have interacted with the PDMP system at one point or the other in the course of their lives. Furthermore, the second assumption was that many people know at least one person who has used opioid medication at one point or the other in their lives. This criteria was very important when it came to identifying individuals who could actually participate in the exercise and played a key role in the elimination of bias as far as the overall selection of the respondents is concerned (Roberts & Leonard, 2011).

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The inclusion criteria for the physicians also took into account the years of experience as one the main basis for participation. Those physician and caregivers who had spent at least five years in the practice were accorded higher priority in terms of their participation potential. This was aimed at ensuring that the respondents were in a position to provide informed consent as far s the overall success of the exercise was concerned. Change Model and conclusion Ultimately, the research indicates that the use of an effective drug monitoring program is very important when it comes to addressing some of the challenges that relate to opioid related abuse cases. The authorities should therefore ensure adopt the PDMP drug monitoring system that has so far proved quite effective in reducing cases of opioid drug abuse among patients.

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Furthermore, physicians should also change their attitude towards the PDMP drug monitoring system. Currently, there are a significant number of physicians who are still reluctant to embrace the system and this undermines the overall effectiveness of the drug monitoring system. Similarly, if the findings turn out otherwise, then this will be an indication of the need to implement more effective measures in order to tackle the problem. Limitations Scope The key limitation associated with the research exercise is the fact that the scope set out by the researchers was too large. A large scope is considered the most ideal approach but the study must be coupled with the resources that can support such a scope. The scope of the PDMP research covered several states across the country but the research was extremely limited in terms of resources that could support such a scope.

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The overall impact of such an approach is that it can undermine the accuracy and reliability of the research findings. Haffaijee, R. Jena, A. Weiner, S. Mandatory Use of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs. NCBI Lin et al. The Truth About Prescription Drugs. Boston: John Wiley & Sons. Rothstein, M. Ethical Responsibilities of Physicians in the Opioid Crisis. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 45(4), 682-687.

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