Role of the sound mixer in television audio production

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Media

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Those who work in television also have the mandate of meeting the demands meeting the demands of the sonicated home-based audience whose sophistication is increasing with time and who are continuously buying “high fidelity sound receivers” together with sound bars (Owens 2015). Sound mixer plays an important role in the three audio production stages; pre-production, production and post-production. Sound mixer is given the mandate of planning of the best audio needs of the product. The sound recorder also plans on the relevant sound editing that will take place after this stage. The sound mixer plans the song and decides instrumentation, tempo and arrangement of the audio (Owens 2015). When one of the actors happens to face away from the frame, then a change in the sound is hard. It is thus important for the sound mixer to guide all the production participants to maintain one position in the production process.

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Remaining on the mic during audio recording makes a sound to come out clearer accompanied by less reverberant as compared to the case of off mic where the output is duller and also more reverberant. It is considered timbre to capture the voice effectively. The crew usually sounds clearer when they are in front and also above the overhead of the boom and also below their mouth axis. This is important in that it saves the quality of the production especially when there is a change in the flow of the production. It was important for me to remain calm during the entire course of recording especially in moments of high pressure and when unexpected happened. It was also important for me to follow the recording to notice when there is a change in mic, sounds and when run on stage is needed.

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These are some of the tactics that enabled me to perform effectively in the entire course of the production process. Having the ability to notice changes in the sound is essential in that it helps in avoiding change in the rhythm of the audio. In the case of digital mixers, digital signal processing technology is used in processing input audio as well as adjusting tone and volume. In this digital processing, various types of tones that cannot be achieved when using analog mixer can be processed (Owens 2015). In addition to this, this type of mixers can store the position of the faders together with the knobs and make an instant call of these two positions when needed. The unit usually remains compact even when the number of channels because the faders and the knobs carry out some tasks.

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This is the class of mixer that I was using in the recording studio. It can also perform when connected to Windows XP, Mac OS X as well as in Mac OS 9. Zettl 2014). It requires great experience to operate this type of sound mixer. I when I reflect, I can see how much experienced I am such that I can operate this type of sound mixer. Recently, Yamaha sound recorder has been able to come up with a mLAN system which can send some streams at once when using IEEE 1394 (Zettl 2014). In the case where one wants to connect multiple devices, then a mixer that has a stereo channel is the best type of mixer that one should use to do this. As a sound mixer, one has the duty of choosing what to include in the final product and what to eliminate since not all the recorded content is important.

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In addition to this, the final output is always much different from the recorded one has sound has to undergo some manipulations before being regarded of quality. The reason why mixing is important in audio production is that majority of the excellent sound is of low quality and not of the standard cinematic sound. As a sounder mixer, I, therefore, had the mandate of editing the recorded sound to meet the desired standards before finally releasing the content to our audience. References Owens, J.  Television production. CRC Press. Owens, J.  Television sports production.

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