Saint Leos Responsible Stewardship and How It Relates to Criminal Justice

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Mathematics

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The institution maintains that it must strive to ensure that it has resources that can support its projects and enable it to achieve the desired objectives and goals. Be that as it may, the international organizations, as well as governments, should be reminded that they must be good stewards through tackling challenges that face that bedevil the world populace and the earth in entirety. Extreme poverty, climate change, social equity, and water shortage include some of the issues that ought to be looked at and addressed. Therefore, this task sets out to look at how Saint Leo University came up with and reinforced a set of core values that are six in number, responsible stewardship, community, respect, excellence, personal development, and integrity to refresh and re-energize its culture as well as processes.

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It is the institution that provides the example of how to ignite and resurface some positive aspects of an individual, productive values as well as effectively incorporating them into critical processes of organizations and the daily practices. Through this manner, the criminal justice system can increase access to justice systems for the individuals who have been excluded given the traditional systems at the time. The groups that were traditionally excluded included the marginalized, juveniles, communities and suspects. This brings this task to the goal of restorative justice as being to hold the suspect accountable for their actions, the harms they cause the society and at the same time focuses on the acceptance by the suspect on the same ills and consequences and finding peace with the society (Bilionis, 2004). The principle of restorative justice marries with Saint Leo’s core value of Responsible Stewardship, and this can premise on the fact that the institution is a known defender of justice.

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It has been established that the application of restorative justice reduces the recurrence of crime by the same offender. This concept implies that there is need to have a means through which institutional control, as well as the imposition of discipline, gives the community, some control, self-discipline as well as self-regulation, while at the same time guaranteeing the rights of individuals through community empowerment. This is also attainable through the individual communities accepting and appreciating the fact they should be accountable and responsible for their regulations. When this is done, communities become accountable, and they become strong in the process. Saint Leo also derives its principles from the fact that there while making peace, the entire process of peacemaking is as important as peace itself. It also intimates that through empowering the communities to react to their conflicts, they get to meet their needs in repairing the psychological harm and anger of crime.

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It, therefore, goes without saying that reconciliation makes it possible for the damaged caused or conflicts among persons are repaired. Ultimately, harmony is restored, and a balance in the community is attained (Findley, 2008). The injury inflicted upon a community is to shalom the right relationships that are perceived to be right among the individuals in the society. By this establishment, there is a need for the society, just as Saint Leo suggests, having socially integrative involvement. Therefore, the key goal is to ensure that every community upholds shalom. A look at transformative justice, it is clear that both the community and the offenders have a role in the crime perpetrated and both should, therefore, ensure that they share the blame and responsibility, and thus should ensure that they vouch for restitution together (Govoni, Wright, & Wubbenhorst, 2005).

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If the offender is put to account for the offense and called upon to behave and act responsibly, then the community can be assumed to be equally responsible for the injury and the healing process too. This brings the task to the point that, if the society expects that there should be some active responsibility from the offender, then it is important that a balance is negotiated and created and that responsibility from the community side is with regards to supporting such efforts. This is premised on the argument that crime lies in both social arrangements and individual ones and it is the responsibility of the society to ensure that it takes on the program of reforming the individual as time and again; it has been proven that individuals cannot reform themselves unless there is an external force (Govoni, Wright, & Wubbenhorst, 2005).

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Conclusively, just like Saint Leo’s principle of restorative justice would have it, there is an urgent need for the development of new systems of restorative justice that are based on social as well as economic justice if the citizens, as well as the victimizers, are to live in harmony and forge the spirit of togetherness. Peacemaking, justice, and ethics.  Justice, crime, and ethics, 27-42. Findley, K. A. Toward a new paradigm of criminal justice: how the innocence movement mergers crime control and due process.

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