Saudi Arabian Oil Company Change Management Plan

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

This study also discusses the challenges and strategies that should be considered to overcome these cultural elements which could negatively affect the implementation of a change strategy. Change Management Plan According to Carnall (2018), in an organization the change management plan can be defined as a way of managing the changes while executing a project. When the time comes for the implementation of the organization change management plan, one may find it is a bit unfair if the plan is created without taking the cultural background into context: it will then be problematic for the success of that change initiative. Markedly, a change in the management plan must take into consideration the culture of an organization. Change of management plan can be categorized into two: the first kind will address the impact of a change to an organization which will ease the transition so that any project will move accordingly even if there were changes to the plan.

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This accounted to the organization culture as power culture, role culture and hierarchy culture were considered this was to the change of how power and information flowed in the organization. This type of culture will require a strong deference of the coach in charge. While executing the oil manufacturing project, the company was able to adopt to the changes and was able to manage the changes. Importantly, the Saudi Arabia Oil Company considered organization culture in the change management plan (McKettaJr, 2017). The company embraced mentoring as a tool to develop the organization managers with the required training to propel the company’s vision into the future. The Saudi Oil Company came up with initiatives to counteract the resisting managers in this case: engaging their employees on a career development programs that were successfully handled by the management.

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According to McKettaJr, (2017), Personality is a collection of traits and one’s features that always associate to attitudes of an individuals as well as emotions. As an organization culture it should be accounted when there is a change in the management plan. Personality is considered to be a meaningful trait to management: the employee’s personality will always dictate how productive they will be to the organization. In the management development process, many companies have been using ‘self-reporting personality test’ to identify a personality trait of an individual before being hired. Those taking the role of communication will tend not to value efficiency and accuracy above all else. They lack the link to communicate between the customers and the superiors. This means too few communication, too few stakeholders to communicate with employees, and too few channels.

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This challenge can be addressed and planned far in advance of the changes that will take place in the oil company. Communication as part of a significant change to the company, should also cover the months leading up to change. The top of the organization will take an initiative to favor the cultural change so as to implement a change in the rest of that organization. Implementing of a new technology will cause a headache for workers during a workplace. The Saudi Arabian Oil Company In conclusion, there are change initiatives which apply to organization in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (for example the Saudi Arabian Company). The change management plan will be of importance to the company as it is a formal way of communicating with the employees and it will help the organization to achieve its goals and objectives faster.

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