Saudi Basic Industries Corporation

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Besides being the leading chemical producing company, the firm is also the most significant public company in Saudi Arabia. The company employees an average of 30, 000 employees every year. The firm also has production plants in Europe and the Asia Pacific. The firm also deals in plastics and metals across the world. The firm has employed about 35,000 workers globally. Failure to change and adapt quickly has affected the morale of some employees significantly. As a result, the organization has not always performed as it should. The company still has the potential to achieve much better and increase their profitability index. Also, the organization culture has not been capable to change because the leadership has not changed for a long time. The culture is not flexible enough to accept changes in leadership to bring new ideas on board.

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The management and the staff have different priorities, a factor which causes disunity among them. Now, because there is no evident team cohesion, the strategy that the organization has set in place may not be sufficient. The approach of the organization is excellent, but it has not worked to its potential because all members of staff do not thoroughly understand it. For a goal to be reached at, both the leadership and the team must contribute towards it. There is a need to make all the staff understand the organization goals and strategies for the organization to function optimally. The objective of this strategy is to translate the values into actionable and attainable behaviors. Another fundamental change that I would intend the organization to adopt is a change that will enable the strategy to work along with the organization culture.

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Studies have established that, for an organizational culture to be effective, the organization culture and the company processes must work together (Valmohammadi & Roshanzamir, 2015). Therefore, the best plan for SABIC to effect this change is to align culture with strategy. The human resource and managerial practices must agree with the company mission and vision. The stakeholders will always welcome a move that can increase their earnings and benefits from the organization. Also, the culture should not affect the brand of the goods they are producing. The purpose of a good organization culture is to comfort both the clients and the employees. The human resource management must work together with the marketing team for the culture to stay aligned with the brand. This move can be beneficial especially now that online marketing is taking over.

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The values and behaviors should not be left for interpretation, but a common understanding must be documented. Teamwork and engagement - the organization must work with the employees and the stakeholders to come up with achievable goals for the organization. The involvement will create a platform for extensive feedback as well as the benefits of inclusion. Maintain proper communication – the organization must always update the employees and the stakeholders on the state of the change. This will enhance transparency and increase the performance significantly. This is the primary goal for any organization. If the organization improves concerning profitability index and the public image, then the culture change will be said to be successful. The individuals and departments that outstandingly improved in performance must be recognized and rewarded.

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