Schizophrenia in the Film A Beautiful Mind

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

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This study uses qualitative research and analysis. The exploration of schizophrenia in “A Beautiful Mind” is painted based on a single character, the main character Nash, who has Schizophrenia. Moreover, the films is deliberated as a substitute to facilitate public perception of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia in the Film “A Beautiful Mind” Introduction Films are ethnic relics made based on particular philosophies, which reflect those philosophies, consequently affecting them. Films are not only entertaining but also inspire the audience if presented appealingly. The positive symptoms include delusions, confused speech untimely amusement and cries. The negative symptoms consist of expressionless dialogue, impassive faces and stiff bodies (Myers, 2007). Schizophrenia is caused by a range of hiccups such as genetic weakness and the habitation during growth and development.

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The illness is not caused by genes, though they act as catalysts of the disease (Bostwick, 2007). Schizophrenia treatment: Schizophrenic treatment is based on a combination of therapies, these therapies are chosen to minimize the symptoms and hinder the recurrence of the condition. Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy: This is considered the most effective form of treatment for schizophrenics. It is designed to elevate the thinking and acting according to the blend of the thoughts, occurrences and our emotional digestion (Basco, 2007). The combination of behavioral and cognitive therapies spurs a strong base in the reduction of schizophrenic symptoms and focus on aspects that matter in life, in the life of the patients. Schizophrenia as Portrayed in the Movie, “A Beautiful Mind” In the movie, “A Beautiful Mind”, schizophrenia was clearly revealed in different ways.

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Nash creates a character Parcher, within his mind to assist in their code deciphering, moreover Nash gets in the government where he is relied on to execute certain activities. From the film, the negative and positive symptoms of schizophrenia are portrayed and based of their treatment others may be treated. Although some scenes in the film were fictitious, the film A Beautiful Mind reveals more of psychosis in comparison to movies. As accorded by Brander (2003), Nash is portrayed a compassionate and friendly picture, however before he was a schizophrenic he was unpleasant and impervious. The Insulin shock therapy treatment was uncomfortable to watch as a result of the injections followed by the shock treatments for ten consecutive weeks. I concur as well as disagree with the treatment methods (Belzer, 2004).

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Films are more emotional, specific and more dramatic compared to written abstracts (Curry, 1991). As coined by Laroi et al (2009), films expose the negative and critical outlooks regarding schizophrenia. Films give the audience a negative and critical outlook of psychosis by depicting the normal lives that the psychosocial people as the normal people live (Laroi & Linden, 2009). From the films, the people view the struggles of the psychosis and percept them as normal and gentle people. References Basco, M. Comorbidity of anxiety and depressive disorders: issues in conceptualization, assessment, and treatment.  Journal of Psychiatric Practice®, 10(5), 296-306. Brander, J. A. Sylvia Nasar A Beautiful Mind (book) Ron Howard A Beautiful Mind (movie). J. , & Abramowitz, J. S. Cognitive and behavioral treatments for anxiety disorders: A review of meta‐analytic findings.

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