Scott Damians Life Review

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

However, his mother passed away when he was three years old and ever since he lived with his da until the age of twenty-two when he was stable enough to move out of their home. His life as a kid was pretty simple because of his nature of being an introvert and this was a character that made him stay at home most of the time. Scott remembers his childhood well enough to stipulate that his best experiences at the time were during the periods they would go hunting in the woods with his friends and sometimes accompanied with his father. He remembers his home mainly for the agricultural activities that took place which inspired him to be a farmer. The best he can remember about his parents is the idea that they would take him for a roller-coaster ride every Sunday, weekly.

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Mathematics was his toughest subject and that is why he was very happy one day when he outscored everyone in his elementary school. His family members were very close to each other. Scot can only remember simple holiday celebrations within their homestead and not vacations. He argues that his parents were farmers and most of the time there were no opportunities to go on vacations due to farm work. Their option for vacations were just little celebrations at home with friends. Young/Middle Adulthood Scott’s childhood life was in the East Austin where he lived with his father until the age of twenty-two when he moved out. He went ahead to settle in West Lake Hills where he practiced agriculture as his full-time occupation.

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He spent most of his productive years keeping livestock and farming. Unfortunately, Scott did not attend college because of the grade he acquired in high school, which was not good enough to enable him to enroll in an institution of higher learning. However, his passion for agriculture kept him busy and that is what earned him a living for as long as he can remember. He liked traveling but his farming would rarely allow him to because of lack of time. However, he would occasionally make trips to Miami Beach with his wife and two kids whenever they found the time. He was not into traveling so much if there was no reason for him to move around. Damian has two children, a male and a female who he adores very much.

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The fondest memories he has with his children happen to be the most important to him. He eventually did not make it to college but he surely did the best he could. Damian’s goals as an adult were pretty simple now that he had decided to venture into agriculture. He wanted to have a family and enjoy life, coupled with raising his kids in a proper manner. His wish finally came to pass because he has a grown daughter and son who are living happily and he is also enjoying life with his wife and children. His hobbies as an adult have been singing and playing the guitar. This goes hand in hand with the most important lesson Scott ever learned in life.

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