Secops conflict resolution
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Nursing
In nursing care settings, there are dynamic patient needs and interactions between different team members in patient care. These interactions provide avenues to conflicts (Overton & Lowry, 2013). Proper conflict management is essential in nursing to prevent its effect on patient care and patient outcomes. Scenario I observed that the day team is was constantly understaffed and caseloads dangerously high. Day team managers found it an alternative to load visits up for the after-hours on-call team. The signs of demotivation such as staff failing to report to work, arguments among the management teams and increased patient complaints were all indications of unresolved conflicts. The conflict characterized in the scenario depicts an intergroup conflict. The conflict occurs between different groups of people or staff working in an organization or care settings. In the scenario, the conflict is manifested between the two groups; the day and night staff nurses and between the staff nurses and the management teams.
Intergroup conflict is a conflict that occurs between two or more groups of people (McKibben, 2017). The actions by the daytime managers to load visits to the after-hour shifts without appropriate communication to the late hour teams. The latent stage of the conflict is also characterized by an increase in the caseloads with no actions to increase the staffing by management. The perceived stage of conflict there is an acknowledgement by the affected parties of the existence of a conflict. At this stage of the conflict, there is a general perception that the conflict exists and the staff may acknowledge and provide information on the conflict and approaches towards resolving the conflict. In the case scenario, the perceived conflict stage is evident at the point where the there is an emergent of client and families complaining of the understaffing at the care center.
Conflict resolution strategies. The nursing setting is a time-poor and highly dynamic setting where nurses and other healthcare providers interact in ensuring positive patient outcomes. Conflicts between these groups of care providers can have critical consequences on the outcomes of patients. It is critical for nurse managers to be equipped with knowledge and experience of conflict management because conflict is a common occurrence in the workplace (Finkelman, 2016). To resolve conflicts effectively, managers need to understand that competition for resources and ineffective communication are two critical factors that lead to conflict (Finkelman, 2016). In mediation, I would collaborate with the nurse leader to direct the mediation and in providing a common ground for the identification of a system where the workloads can be evenly distributed for both after-hours staff and the day-time staff.
Through meditation, the conflicting parties will be empowered to identify an approach which ought to be a collaborative approach to ensure that the conflict does not lead to adverse patient outcomes of care. Was delegation an issue? Delegation is the assignment of any duty, responsibility or authority to another person or entity to effectively complete the assignment or duty while retaining the full responsibility of the assigned duty or responsibility. Delegation involves the correct and accurate communication to the person involved and providing clear instructions on the expected results. Conflicts can occur due to poor delegation when the delegating authority fails to provide clear instructions on the expected responsibility, lack of proper briefing on the assignment delegated, poor choice of individuals for delegation such as delegating to persons without proper skills and temperaments adequately deliver.
Proper communication and effective handing-over of shifts are integral in managing the nursing staff relationships and in providing a platform where nurses can deliberate on issues that may give rise to conflicts. In the future, I will ensure to be alert and provide platforms where team members can interact freely to identify and openly discuss any possible conflicts. The provision of open communication within an organization provides people with trust and a strong belief to openly share concerns and resolve conflicts. I will also ensure that proper monitoring of teams to anticipate and intervene in the conflicts at early stages before overt conflicts occur. References Ahmed, D. British Journal of Nursing, 26(2), 100-103. doi. org/10. bjon. Overton, A.
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