Should the internet be censored or not

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

Internet censorship involves the decision to restrict online content or specific websites from being accessed in the event that their content is perceived as sensitive or harmful. However, this concern on how much information the public should access and whether internet censorship should be introduced remains a divided matter between critics and supporters of the issue. Thus, this study will critically explore both sides of the arguments in an attempt to appreciate their perspectives and offer a resolution based on what actions have been exercised in an attempt to handle the matter. Arguments in Support Stopping Online Harassment and cyberbullying With the rise of internet technology and the number of people connected globally, the rate of cyberbullying and online harassment continue to thrive. This issue being a great threat to online users and countries, internet censorship supports believe that this is one of the best ways to reduce some of these crimes.

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This includes controlling issues related to the selling of illicit and non-prescribed drugs online and other trafficking activities. Thus, this is among the most effective ways that the government will ensure it protects the American vulnerable population through improved censorship to support a morally upright society. Reduce Terrorism, Violence, and Propaganda The world is shifting to a digital age and fighting the issues related to terror continues to be a battle fought on fronts in many countries. This is an attempt for states to secure matters related to national security as well as democratic leadership. Thus, supporters that justify internet censorship present their arguments with claims that it is a way for governments to reduce malware cases and other cyber threats. This could be a potential threat against citizens and those that raise legitimate critics against the American government.

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This means that the government can easily break its own laws since it controls what the public access. Thus, this might come as a violation of the freedom of speech in connection to the 1st Amendment of the American Constitution. Reduced Progress and Innovation The internet demonstrates to be an effective platform in connection to the confluence of opinions, ideas, technologies, innovations, and logic. This makes it a good place for thriving ideas since people can learn about any topic they find interesting. Common Grounds Those that oppose and supporters of internet censorship, however, seem to agree on some grounds regarding the issue. Considering both sides of the argument, the idea of internet censorship might be great in cases related to moral and values. For instance, the case of children safety when browsing the internet is essential.

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Thus, both sides agree upon the application of censorship in prosecuting child pornographers, regulating adult content and reducing cybercrime. Thus, they both agree on the fact that censorship could be appropriate and effective if it protects young adults and child from inappropriate content, but not limiting the freedom of speech, especially in topics that challenge those in power. Available: https://www. humanrights. gov. au/publications/background-paper-human-rights-cyberspace/5-current-issues-internet-censorship-bullying Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Pornography and Censorship, 2012. A taxonomy of Internet censorship and anti-censorship.  Available: https://www. princeton. edu/~chiangm/anticensorship. pdf Fiscutean, Andrada.

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