Signature Assignment Joses Treatment Plan

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

Under the treatment plan, the paper mainly discusses therapeutic relationships, theoretical models that will be used in helping Jose resolve the issues he is facing and improve his well-being, Jose’s treatment goals including early stage gaols, middle stage gaols, and late-stage gaols, and intervention methods that will be used in helping Jose improve personal and social well-being. Section 1: Case Assessment The prevalent theme in Jose’s case in isolation. Jose’s personal isolation significantly limits Jose’s social life or the connection that the client has not only with the members of his family but also with other members of the community including people at his work and school environment. Isolation is the major aspect that affects the mental and physical well-being of the client. The client’s mental state has been affected because he no longer has any positive thoughts about himself and his future due to bad things that he has done in the past like forcing his Caucasian girlfriend into an abortion.

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Based on this case, Jose’s desire to be strong and gain the ability to lead his family has resulted in depression and isolation feelings. Ageism is evident in Jose’s case. Ageism is the discrimination or prejudice based on the age of a person (Nelson, 2008). Being 35 years old, it is expected that Jose should have settled down with a wife and children according to the view of his family members. As a result, the family pushes him to settle down so that he can meet his role of raising and taking care of a family. The family is biased by limiting Jose to making decisions according to their expectations. The major legal implication in the case is confidentiality that directly affects the state of the client. Confidentiality is based protecting the information of the client (Erford, 2017).

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It is evident from the case that when Jose’s mother shared information about his decision to force his spouse into abortion, Jose’s esteem was affected. It would be vital for the counselor to handle client’s information with great confidentiality as required by various policies and legal requirements of the counseling practice. Trust is key in the establishment of therapeutic relationships that can aid recovery (Ardito & Rabellino, 2011). It will be important for Jose to understand that the therapist has the desire, knowledge, and skill set of delivering appropriate care. It will be vital for Jose to understand that there is a balance in the relationship with the therapist that will ensure that all that is confidential will remain confidential, and Jose is safe from exploitation and harm in the process of interacting with the therapist or in the therapist’s hands.

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Through the formation of the therapeutic relationship with Jose, Jose will be in a position to emotionally open up and provide deeper details of his mental and physical concerns that have led him into a negative state that is characterized by depression and anxiety. In addition to that, the therapist will be in a position of comprehending better the point of view of Jose who is affected, his motives, and his feelings. The approach of cognitive therapy puts emphasis on the fact that what people think plays an important role in defining who people are when compared to what people do (Fall, Holden, & Marquis, 2011). Thoughts and decisions play an important role in defining actions that later define who people are. In this case, it is vital to help Jose understand that his thoughts about the past and decisions play an important role in defining his actions and more importantly his interactions with other members of the society and the negative emotions that he has about himself.

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It is vital to use this approach to help Jose improve the ability to think positively as positive decisions will lead him to positive actions and life in general. Cognitive therapists consider that dysfunctional behaviors and emotions emerge from dysfunctional thinking. • Jose will learn the skills of improving relationships with his family, schoolmates, and workmates. • Jose will develop the capability to appreciate his past and fight negative emotions that come with thoughts about his past. Late stage goals • Jose will illustrate the ability to cope with stress, senses of guilt, and fear. • Jose will illustrate the ability to interact positively and communicate with his family members and friends at work and in school. • Jose will be able to make clarifications on the meaning of his activities and actions to his life.

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Briefly, cognitive behavioral therapy as defined by Well and Clark’s model should take about four months with sessions that take about 90 minutes a day. The sessions should include social isolation, anxiety and depression education, experiential exercise that help develop the ability to fight self-seeking behaviours and self-focused attention, feedbacks that help in coping with negative self-imagery, systematic training on focusing on external relationships, home assignments that are based on fighting negative thoughts and beliefs, training on dealing with problematic memories, examination and improvement of self-beliefs, and relapse prevention activities (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 2018). Cognitive behavioral therapy should be used to help Jose change his negative thoughts, emotions, and isolative behaviors. Short-term psychodynamic therapy should be based on education about anxiety, isolation, and depression, establishment of therapeutic alliances that are secure, encouraging interacting with social institutions and people out of therapy sessions, establishing inner-dialogues that is self-affirming, and improving social skills for enhanced interactions and communication with other members of the society including the family (NICE, 2018).

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The two interventions should be supported will well-managed pharmacological intervention depending on the level of response shown by the client. American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines for the treatment of psychiatric disorders: Compendium 2006. American Psychiatric Pub. Ardito, R. B. Rabellino, D. M. Marquis, A. Theoretical Models of Counselling and Psychotherapy. New York, NY: Routledge. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), (2018). proquest. com Tseng, W. S. Hsu, J. Culture and Family: Problems and Therapy.

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