Significance of Non Human Animals as a Site of Feeling of in Film
The study will also discuss the systematic understanding and knowledge of issues which affect emotion in film. The study aims to show the relationship between our feeling towards the film and our culture and trends in film-making. The discussion will use different films in order to examine the non-human animals involved in the films. The representation of the animated features will be analyzed based on their relationship with human. Several portrayal of race, gender, class and speciesism represented by the non-human animals will be discussed in this study. Unfortunately, their idea has lacked support since many people enjoy animation in films since it enhances better understanding of the film and boosts emotion of the film. Non-human animals shows the role of technology in films since animation is designed by the use of the latest computer technology.
Since the art of film started in the 1800s, advancements in technology has improved creation of films (Ramos et al 6). The film industry has changed to technological field of art, quite different compared to the recent films. The technology has enabled characterization of non-human animals whereby information in the films conveyed through animation. In this case, non-human animals helps in better understanding of the film (Pamel & Arthur, Pg13). Animation plays a big role in today’s films since it is usually attractive and targets different people; children and adults. Significance of animation include: 1. Simplifying the film There are many challenging issues found in films. Some issues may sound awkward when expressed in normal language, others will sound abusive and immoral due to involvement of a real human being to pass the message of the film.
Selection of animated characters which can perform the role of justice and politics enhances good understanding of the justice and political issues of a state. Enhancing emotion in film The use of non-human animals in films improves their interest. Animation brings about funny characterization hence making the film interesting and easy to be understood. The concept of pleasure, desire and displeasure is used in film in order to introduce a certain feeling to the audience. This prepares the audience in emotions such as sadness and happiness (Ken, Pg8). This helps the audience to identify and understand the feeling of the film and put their emotion in the film. Clarity and specificity of emotion can only be achieved through use of the required terminologies in non-human animals. • An effective approach to filmic emotion must be able to describe emotion phenomenon at all levels.
A film can be illegalized in a certain audience due to improper description of the filmic emotion. This can happen where the film uses non-human animals to pass the wrong emotion to the wrong audience. This enables the film to target many audience who will be interested in it. The response to audience emotion should show interest in the film and appreciate the role of non-human animals used in the film (Literature 23). • A good approach to filmic characterization of non-human animals should show how the film succeeds. This is simply the effectiveness of the film to its audience. Animation wins the attention of the audient and always put them in suspense in order to watch the whole film (Literature 23). The main feeling of films include Happiness and Sadness (Clover, Pg19). For the film to achieve the feeling, animation should be carefully observed in order to avoid irregularities which may confuse the whole film.
Non-human animals bring a feeling of fantasy to the audience. The general flow of the film represents critique and shows social norms of the audience. Animation is used to impact the feeling of the audience and change it to in accordance with the feeling of the film (Pamel & Arthur, Pg13). These emotions cannot be deeply expressed in a film by use of real human beings. The feeling of the film can be used to express the meaning of natural and rational world (Creed et al, 97). This is achieved through non-human animals which are designed in such a way that they can be easily adapted to convey the required meaning of the scene. These characters offer themselves easy was to show moral values, circumstances and characteristics of the real world. Relevance of Non-human Animals in the Understanding of Film 1.
In this case, characterization of animals in a film is used to pass a certain social message and inspire change. Research has discovered that a lot of children prefer animal characters in films to human characters. Therefore, it is important to use non-human animals in films especially when the message conveyed targets children. Animal characterization helps the children to relate the world of vision to the real world. The relevance of non-human animals which comes through here is the ability of the children to understand different animals and their characters. Conclusion Non-human animals play an important role in films. They enable the general understanding of the film and building of the feeling of the film. Through animal characterization, emotions such as happiness and sadness are easily expressed. Some messages are not easy to be conveyed in films by use of real human beings, in this case, non-human animals plays the role of passing such messages.
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