Similarities and differences in the french american and seventeenth-century english essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:History

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The war ended as a global war that led European powers to oppose each other at a time when there was a stiff imperial rivalry. Americans emerged victoriously and gained their independence ruling themselves under the Articles of Confederation. The French Revolution was a series of events that led to the overthrow of the monarchy by the people. The Revolution began in 1789 and ended in 1799. This period saw French citizens razing and redesigning the political landscape of their nation by eliminating the very old institutions such as the feudal system and absolute monarchy. The French Revolution, on the other hand, was caused by the widespread discontent with the monarchy as well as the economic policies of King Louis XVI. The French citizens desired to change the nation's political landscape and therefore do away with the monarchy and the feudal system.

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The English Civil Wars were also as a result oppositions of the monarchial system (Taylor, Tapsell, and Morrill 182). The Revolution consisted of conflicts between the Scottish, English and Irish interest, which was caused and aggravated by confessional differences. The American, English and French Revolutions contributed to the modern democratic concepts. For instance, the Americans were agitated at the British as a result of making decisions that were at the core of their interests. Hence, Americans became angry at the British after believing that they sought to destroy them and gain power. The American Revolution revolt of the 13 colonies of North America against their existing government (Allison, Ferreiro, and Blanco 132). In the French Revolution, most of the accumulated wealth seemed to circulate around the upper class. This left the lower class feeling left out.

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Despite these similarities, the three revolutions also had major differences. For example, unlike the English and American Revolutions, the French revolution was the most violent. In this revolution, nobody was spared including women and children (Ross 40). For example, a Reign of Terror led by Robespierre caused the death of 27,000 people (Ross 9). The revolution also consisted of political allies turning against each other. The American Revolution took place in a colony that was far from the ruling monarchy. The Revolution in France took place in France and this had a direct impact on the monarchy. The issues of taxation seemed to play a major role in the three revolutions. But the objections of the people regarding how the taxes were used in each nation was different. Americans angered by the fact that the colonists failed to explain how taxes were used.

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In the French Revolution, the revolutionaries demanded major changes to do on the way they were ruled. They sought to change the governance structures by uprooting the old systems and putting in place new ones. The French intended to replace the existing government. In the English Revolution, there was concern about how the king ruled the three kingdoms, Ireland, Scotland and England. The revolutionaries sought to reduce the powers of the kings, change the political structures as well as the idea that the parliament was the supreme body in issues relating to politics. Ferreiro, and Núñez J. M. Blanco. The American Revolution: A World War. Print. d. Internet resource.

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