Social Capital Essay

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Background information The concept of social capital came into the limelight in the early 1890’s. Initially, the concept was generally used sporadically for a long period of time. It was until the late 1990’s when the issue about social capital got widely accepted and adopted. Increased application in social capital in the recent past has made it an issue of concern in the today's world. This research paper tries to contemplate the concept of social concept, identify the impact it has had on today’s world, and identify possible solutions the challenges it brings. On the other hand, Putnam in his research tried to advance the concept of association and civic activity as the foundation for social integration and well-being. Notwithstanding the disparities in their research, they all agreed, social capital comprises; personal connection and individual interactions.

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Basis of Pierre Bourdieu’s research was to try and analyze the connection between domination and privilege. His quest to conduct this research was fueled by his observation that the elite class found it easy to use their status as a symbol of distinction from others. He noted that the society treated people who were perceived to be from well-up families, people with a high level of education and the wealthy completely different from other people (Lin & Burt, 24-53). According to James Coleman, social capital is a resource one invests with the expectation that it will yield returns in future. Therefore, social capital is much more than involving wide networks of people whose interactions are controlled by trust and shared values. Because social capital is a resource, Coleman in his investigations was able to prove that it is not a thing meant for the elite class only (Field, 6-57).

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According to him, even the poor and marginalized communities enjoyed some benefits from social capital. Coleman’s was motivated to conduct a research on social capital by the rational choice theory. Robert Putnam’s first involvement in the debate on social capital came when he was studying regional government in Italy. From his study, Putman established that the success of institutions in the northern areas was as a result of the interdependence between the government and the civilians (Lin & Burt, 24-53). Putman utilized the concept of social capital to illuminate the disparities in civic engagements. Robert Putnam defined social capital as the features of social organization that improves the efficiency of the society by facilitating coordinated actions. These features include trust, networks, and norms. As a result, some people find themselves on the losing end due to decisions made by others.

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Another problem associated with social capital is inadequate access to resources and maintenance of power among the members of the society. The elite class of the society who are generally the rich and the educated find it easier to access resources as compared to the poor. As a result, the rich continue to be wealthier as the poor get condemned to more poverty. As consequence, the gap between the rich and the poor in the society continues to grow wide. For instance, social capital is extremely critical for the association's benefit and additionally vital the general population who are searching for new work. The greater part of the informed and the experts procure new clients through person to person communication. As indicated by an examination which demonstrates that 96% of the new business openings are filled and gained in a method for long range informal communication.

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Organizations like Uber and Airbnb have outfit social capital for the pieces of the pie development and turning into the turning into a typical problematic power in their associations. The two organizations depend much on the quality of social capital systems administration for promoting, as well as controlling the quality as the client audits of the quality supplier Forms of social capital There exists four forms of social capital which include; 1. Boding type of social capital This form of social capital is used among families and the close friends in reinforcing proper existence. Since bonding social capital deals with human most intimate relationships, it becomes the hardest type of social capital to create online. Involves the connections which are formed by the homogenous groups like the enthusiasts of a specific hobby, employees from a single simple company, the women’s groups who facilitates in sharing of ideas between the individuals.

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Identifying capital This type of social capital is utilized among bunches having a mutual conviction, most habitually on political and ideological fields. The kickstarter utilizes the ID money to develop. This improves human cooperations. For instance 'I&DeA', (21/10/08), which fuses the talks of varied points of view and interests between affiliations. Since Social capital is either for open great or something vital for a person to have. The endeavors to make social capital accessible to those without or increment the level of social idea to the individual having a low level of social capital is an imperative idea (Behtoui, P. In spite of the fact that the individuals from sub societies for instance, individuals from group, have with them social capital connected to their field as their application does not appear to have a sense for open favorable position.

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I&DeA', (21/10/08), which consolidates serious foundations and the fundamental administration process for example, close-by pros. Hence, people from the overall population should reliably be made aware of the centrality of settling on decisions that don't impact others individuals antagonistically. Works Cited Behtoui, Alireza, and Anders Neergaard. Social capital and wage disadvantages among immigrant workers.  Work, employment and society 24. and Seok-Woo Kwon. Social capital: Prospects for a new concept. Academy of management review 27. Adler, Paul S. and Seok-Woo Kwon.

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