Social injustices among people of color
Document Type:Essay
Subject Area:Cultural Studies
His campaigns were on how the American laws degraded human personality, which made the laws unjust. He made it clear that justice and legality were two different concepts that were to be pursued differently for equality in America, and a few years later his dream was realized, and the racial sufferings among the black people were reduced. Apart from the legal injustices, black people among other people of color have also been facing some subtle social injustices. One of the themes that have been quite relevant in social injustices is the theme of education. Educational discrimination is one of the social injustices that black Americans have suffered, and it has been on the basis of inherent bias as part of the American economic and legal structure. The disproportionality that results from the events of students of color dropping out of school depicts an incidence of social injustice in the context of the theme of education in America.
The concept of white privilege could be blamed for these events because white teachers easily get jobs as compared to the black teachers, hence the predominance of white teachers in public schools. This results in a teaching staff that do not understand the students of color and this, in turn, exposes them to the harsh consequences of being black in the American society When it comes to the second article (The Mexican American Struggle for Equal Educational Opportunity in Mendez V. Westminster: Helping to Pave the Way for Brown V. Board Of Education), racism has also been specified as one of the factors that uphold hegemony. Now that there are no longer segregations in residential areas, there are black communities still living in the unsafe areas they were restricted to during the historical period of segregation.
The black people are still raising their children in these unsafe areas, and this implies that most of these school going children are likely to go hungry due to lack of food, and they are also likely to be moving from one home to the other due to a lack of stability (Hing, n. p). This affects their education given that they cannot concentrate in class worrying about their parents or their safety which may, in turn, lead to them dropping out of school due to emotional issues that they may get exposed to. In this regard, the white privilege could be blamed on the educational disparities suffered by students of color, and this is because of the socio-historical segregational benefits that the whites gained at their parents’ expense. The understanding of race in America is based on the fact that hierarchies always exist in any society and for the case of America, the hierarchy is racial with the whites being on top of the chart.
In this regard, it is understood that the whites in America have benefited from the disadvantages faced by the black people and this situation has been marred with denials which may see to it that the issue of racism at the expense of the people of color to the advantage of the whites is seen as a taboo that should not even be discussed. In the context of this understanding of race, the experience of race in America is characterized by the fact that the privilege of the white skin will always open more doors for white people compared to the people of color. This has been confirmed by the above discussion which has pointed out racism as a specific factor that upholds hegemony to be significantly fueled by the white privilege that Americans have over the other people of color.
Through the connection of the social injustices in the context of education to socio-historical backgrounds of both the black people and the Mexican Americans, the paper has also proven that white privilege has played a critical role in causing social injustices to school going children of color. Westminster: Helping To Pave The Way For Brown V. Board Of Education. Teachers College Record 107. Web. Mar.
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