Social Media Strategy for Acre Eatery

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Media

Document 1

The Strategy (600 words) 9 Sample Content (~100 word justification) 10 Frequency and Timing (200 - 300 words) 10 Channel 1 Details 10 Channel 2 Details 11 Optional: Channel 3 Details 11 Messaging and Interaction (200 - 300 words) 11 Channel 1 Details 11 Channel 2 Details 11 Optional: Channel 3 Details 11 Risk Management (200 words) 12 Bibliography 13 Background Organization Info Acre eatery is a local eatery in Sydney that has several products in the market such as healthy breads, vegan dishes, baked ratatouille, and offers its users a great dining experience. The eatery recognizes the health conscientious nature of its growing customer base and it aims at educating its customers on both food consumption and food production as highlighted in their website (Acre 2016). Based on this recognition, it has created a new healthy pizza that promotes a healthy lifestyle by incorporating exceptional ingredients that prevent health issues such as diabetes, heart diseases, and obesity, while still satisfying the expectations of the consumers.

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Current Audience Acre eatery's current audience comprises Sydney residents of taste conscious customers, who like to enjoy the great dining experience away from home. It targets customers between the ages of 18 to 30 years old, who have quite a bit of a disposable income. Secondly, the channel of communication selected has not enhanced an understanding of the product. Thirdly, the Acre eatery has spent a lot of money on the development of the product and needs to generate income from it. Finally, customers have no real incentives to engage in the brands social media platforms. Recommended Strategy Strategy Goals The goals of the new strategy are to create brand awareness by increasing engagement, enhancing understanding, to enhance public relations so that the eatery can find out the customers reactions and responses to the new product, to create brand loyalty that in turn improves the new products exposure through the use of the slogan, “tell a friend to tell a friend”, and most importantly, the strategy ought to drive sales.

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Brief Overview Of Strategy Execution Recommended Platforms The recommended platforms are Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. com. Kaye, 2016) Secondly, it would be beneficial for the brand to utilize influencers, who can promote the product to large audiences. Based on the amount of competition there is among influencers, it would be great to select a few whose styles and creativity is different and shows “out of the box” kind of thinking so that the posts they churn out do not look like “sales” adverts but instead, look like appealing posts that influence actions. Finally, the brand can also utilize Instagram stories or create short videos for its Instagram page so as to explore unconventional ways to incorporate the healthy pizza into the customer's diet and lifestyle. Facebook is already being utilized by the brand and can be accessed through the @acre eatery handle.

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Then, Twitter will be used actively in that daily funny or interesting tweets will be churned out so that the new product is made visible to the brand's followers. Here is an example of an interesting tweet that already exists. Thompson, 2017). The Strategy Sample Content Sample Tweet 1: “When I fall sick, don’t bring me a bowl of pizza, bring me Acre's veggie pizza. ” Sample Tweet 2: “When you know you should order Acre veggie pizza since its mother’s day. ” Optional: Channel 3 Details Twitter postings shall be done 14 times per day, meaning that one tweet shall be sent out every two hours each day at regular intervals starting from midnight. The reason is that research asserts that the more brands and individuals tweet in a day, the more they have an opportunity to engage with their target audience or fans based on the life cycle of a tweet that ranges from 1.

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hours to 4 hours in a day (Zhang et al 2011). Messaging And Interaction Channel 1 Details As people scroll through our Instagram posts, or watch our videos they ought to recognize our healthy but fun attitude that seems more flexible than traditional health-conscious brands. Our consistent hashtags are #healthyandfun #tasteandhealth #tastyandconvenient. For example, the brand's policy can include a statement that prohibits the divulging of sensitive company information, and a statement that reinforces the importance of utilizing proper copyright laws when posting online. Another example is a statement that restricts employees from posting racial, ethnic, sexual or religious content. Additionally, the employees who will be tasked with posting the social media content ought to be trained on the forms of communication that are allowed by the brand. Most importantly, Acre eatery management ought to monitor the content that is posted on their social media platforms to ensure that the sites are used in ways that are deemed appropriate as highlighted in the codes of conduct and company policies.

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Bibliography. Acre eatery, (2016). Online] Available at https://web. facebook. com/pg/acreeatery/about/?ref=page_internal/ [Accessed 7 June 2018]. Culnan, M. ilovekeisha. com/2016/09/kfc-delivery-fans-day. html[Accessed 7 June 2018]. Latiff, A. Nur, S. Zhang, M. Bernard, J. Abdur, C. ‘Business engagement on Twitter: a path analysis,’ Electronic Markets 21(3), pp.

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