Soybeans lab report
Document Type:Lab Report
Subject Area:Biology
The mutant lines utilized included FM6-847 and FM4-2589 and the three USDA lines that served as the reference were LD00-2817,LZD06-7620 and LD07-3395. In the study a number of parameters were examined both pre-harvest as well as post harvest. Key among them; plant heights at the maturity stage just before harvest, the number of pods produced per soybean plant and the seed number emanating from those pods. This was attained by sowing four seeds from each of the seeds under study as well as the reference lines under controlled laboratory conditions of 25 + or -1oC temperature, artificial light and specified pot sizes. The seedlings were later transplanted to an out of lab conditions, precisely the FSU campus field in North Carolina. vegetable soybean contains approximately 50% more Isoflavones compared to the mature soybean seeds.
In addition to that, the vegetable soybean is rich in tocopherol (vitamin E) ranging from the 84 to 128 micro grams per gram of the dry seed (Zhang, & Kyei-Boahen, 2007). The soybean also contains vitamin C (ascorbic acid) with minimal quantity of niacin (Gamborg, Miller, & Ojima, 1968). These constituents partly explains why the plant as greatly found key uses in pharmaceutical industries in production of anti-oxidants In its bid to feed the increasingly hungry world, the USA has embarked on several genetically improved soybean with the first ever transgenic soybean being introduced in the mid 1990s as glyphosate-resistant (GR) variety and by 2008 (Zhang, & Kyei-Boahen, 2007), the herbicide tolerant transgenic soybean varieties occupied over 92% of the entire USA soybean acreage (USDA-NASS 2008b) In lieu of the increased performance of transgenic soybean and the escalating demand for food production, this study aims at assessing the yield performance of two mutant varieties of soybean in comparison with the already in use lines (Gamborg, Miller, & Ojima, 1968).
The problem statement being; does the soybean mutant FM6-847 and FM4-2589 yield surpass the yield of the 3 USA lines? The hypothesis; Yes, soybean mutants FM6-847 and FM4-2589 yield surpass the yield of the 3 USA lines. The plants have been treated with a pesticide because of two major insects (Japanese beetle and kudzu bug), watered, and kept in the field until maturity. Trait Measurements and Data Analysis Days to flowering (DF) have been recorded in the field. Plant heights (PH) have been recorded at maturity just before harvest. At maturity, plants have been harvested and brought to the lab to measure pod numbers (PN), seed numbers (SN), 100-seeds weight (100-SW), and total seed weight (TSW). All these measurements have been recorded for all plants in Groups I, II, and III.
Figure1: Comparison of mean plant height of FM6-847 and the 3 USA Lines Figure 2: Comparison of mean plant height of FM4-2589and the 3 USA Lines Figure3: Comparison of mean pod numbers of FM6-847 and the 3 USA Lines Fig 4: Comparison of mean pod numbers of FM4-2589 and the 3 USA Line Fig 5: Comparison of mean seed number of FM6-847 and the 3USA Lines Fig 6: Comparison of mean seed number of FM4-2589 and the 3USA Lines Discussion As depicted in fig 1, FM6-847 grew higher than all the three reference lines, recording a mean height of 71. CM followed by LD00-2817,then LD06-7620 and the shortest variety was LD07-3395 which recorded a mean height of 49cm, however the last two had a slight mean height difference of 0.
cm Masuda, (Moscardi, & Hoffmann-Campo, 2004). As per figure 2 the mutant FM4-2589 recorded the lowest mean height in comparison with the other three lines and the LD00-2817 has the highest mean height in this category with the other two growing to a similar height (Ward, 2015). From figure 3, the FM6-847 yielded the highest pod number with a mean of slightly over 200 while LD00-2817 followed at a slightly below the 150th mark. The study hypothesis was therefore proved. References Masuda, R. Moscardi, F. Hoffmann-Campo, C. February). Cook-Newell, M. E. Meta-analysis of the effects of soy protein intake on serum lipids. New England Journal of Medicine, 333(5), 276-282. Dr. Nutrient requirements of suspension cultures of soybean root cells. Experimental cell research, 50(1), 151-158.
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