The Impact of the Quantity of Substrate Concentration of Enzyme Temperature and Inhibitors on Enzyme Activities

Document Type:Lab Report

Subject Area:Biology

Document 1

The primary objective of this laboratory experiment is to examine the effect of the concentration of enzyme, temperature, the quantity of substrate, and the inhibitor of enzyme activities. The first experiment test investigates the relationship between the enzyme reaction and the substrate concentration. An increase in enzyme reaction witnessed when the substrate concentration upsurges. The second experiment examined the relationship between enzyme reaction and temperature. Whenever the temperature surrounding the enzyme is amplified, it results in a significant increase in the rate of reaction. They contain protein made of amino acids which determines their functions. The metabolic response in all cells is accelerated by enzymes since without them the reaction would take too long before completion. The enzyme has the power to fasten the cells reaction by reducing the activation energy required to halt the union of the substrate molecules (Goodsell, 2018).

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The reactants gain heat from the surrounding which breaks the loose bond. The enzymes are selective to certain chemical process and accelerate specific responses. At this point the enzyme is in full control of the substrate, can stretch, bend and break bonds to speed up the reaction. Also, the chemical agents provide substrates with favorable surrounding which allows definite response to happen. For instance, an enzyme may create an acid environment over neutral conditions of a cell. The primary role of the enzyme is to create a favorable environment for rapid metabolic reactions to occur, and through these process it does. However, another variable can influence the rate at which metabolic reactions can happen. At extreme temperature, enzymes are denatured as hydrogen destroyed. °C is the optimal temperature in the human cell.

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Along with these factors, there are some non-proteins which foster the rate of cells activities. They are called cofactors. Coenzyme is an example of cofactors which have organic molecules. Aim The Impact of the Quantity of Substrate, Concentration of Enzyme, Temperature, and Inhibitors on Enzyme Activities Hypothesis A variation in the concentration of enzyme, substrate, temperature, and the inhibitor has a significant impact on the enzyme reactions. Material and Methodology I conducted four separate experiments to examine how the concentration of substrate, temperature, the concentration of enzyme, and the availability of inhibitors influences the enzyme activities. The Catalase which acted as enzyme from the potatoes was used in each experiment. The potatoes were melded with cold water. The solution was then kept in an ice immersion to ensure enzyme wasn’t denatured.

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Lab test the effect of temperature, five beakers were prepared with 40mL of 1. H2O2 and 100unit/mL concentration of enzyme in another beaker. mL of 1. H2O2 was placed in the water bath with varying. The similar procedure was repeated, a filter paper was Submerge into enzyme solution, then immersed in different substrate solutions of changing temperature. Observations Lab test the concentration of substrate Table 1 shows that whenever the concentration of hydrogen peroxide was increased, so there was a significant upsurge in the rate of reaction. Table 1 Influence of Substrate Concentration on Enzyme Activity H2O2 % (Substrate) Round one duration (s) Round two duration (s) Round three duration (s) Average duration (s) Rate (s-1) 0. NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 0. Graph 1 The graph 1, the concentration of substrate and the speed of reaction are directed related.

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For the enzyme concentration In an enzyme concentration lab test, a rise in some enzymes increases the rate reaction. When the substrate concentration, enzyme concentration, and temperature increases, there is a significant increase in the rate of reaction. Whereas on the other hand it was observed that whenever the inhibitors were added, there was a dramatic decrease in the rate of reaction. It is clear that the aim of my lab test is achieved. The main focus was to examine the effect of quantity of substrate, temperature, numbers of enzymes, and the existence of inhibitor on the efficiency and speed of chemical reactions. All four test used the reaction between hydrogen peroxide and catalase. At the 70 degrees Celsius there was no data since enzyme was denatured at extreme conditions and also the beaker broker apart due to high temperature.

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The rise in temperature speeds up the molecule movement increasing the substrate and the active site collision rate a faster rate of the reaction. The final lab test examined the effect of the inhibitors. A reduced rate of reaction dramatically witnessed due to the presence of inhibitors. The inhibitor bonded with the active site of enzyme transforming them into a different structure. S. EPSP Synthase and Weedkillers.  RCSB Protein Data Bank, 2018. Mutlu, Ayse G. “Telomerase Inhibitors and Activators: Pharmaceutical Importance.

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