Spiritual and Cultural care for Native Americans

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

With time, these communities have changed their code of conduct but some communities like the Cheyenne, Nevado, and Ponca still indulge in ancient practices and beliefs. Native American culture refers to the practices, beliefs, customs and social behaviors and norms of original habitats in America that distinguishes them from other groups of people. It defines the practices and lifestyle that the people that inhabited North and South America before cultural diversity. These are unique practices and beliefs that are possessed by the people of America before the arrival of mixed cultures from other groups. These communities have their own social, economic, and religious way of life that differed from their neighboring communities. Most of the Native Americans' food does not include fruit which has been an unhealthy practice. Even though it lacks such an important nutritional ingredient, the majority of health researchers and doctors have advised as they tend to contain body friendly chemicals.

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The Native American dietary lacks some crucial nutritional components in the favorite diets which is alarming and need attention. The community should be educated on the importance of such nourishment ingredients that are important for safe health. Food insecurity is also an observed characteristic of these communities and (Katherine, Wanda, Jeniffer & Angela 2016). It falls within indigenous religions which refer to the religious practices originating from indigenous communities all over the globe (Kalius & Monica 2017). As at now, most of the Native Americans practice Christianity or blended traditions. There are hundreds of distinct religious lines in what is today called the United States. The Native American religion tends to focus on nature, demographic phenomena, plants, animals, and other natural environmental elements play a very crucial aspect of their religion (Grinberg 2015). Their religion includes a number of ceremonies, practices, and traditions which are performed in regard to some cause.

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When a person dies, special women from the family or the ethnic group are selected to prepare a body Healthcare and nursing. The use of a traditional healer to restore the correct physical, mental and spiritual state of people is practiced among Native Americans. A healer is a person who is highly respected in the community and some tribes believe that they are chosen divinely. Access to adequate health care has been a problem for many American Indians because of barriers such as poor or no roads, isolated living, lack of adequate transportation or money for gasoline, and lack of health care providers in the area (Flowers 2016). Additionally, a large population of the Native American lives below average standards of living. spreading of cedar around a victim's body that is believed to be effective.

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This has resulted in some community members rejecting modern forms of therapy hence effecting to poor health status. Conclusion Native American culture is facing extreme diversity and different ethnic groups are adopting new cultural and religious practices. Even though such revolutions are taking place rapidly, the increment in the Amerindian population has greatly improved having more than 500 tribes and some tribes still stick to their ancestral practices. There are consequential impacts of the rigid cultural practices in the Native American population as some community members would not undergo other medicinal practices due to the feeling that they will be cultural infringers. American Association of Critical Care Nurse. Grinberg, E. Young Native Americans Celebrating Their Culture. Cable News Network (CNN) Turner Broadcasting System (TBS), Inc. Katherine, M.

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