Spotting Various Legal Topics and Analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

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Appropriate conclusions and recommendations are also established and put across in this report. The hypothetical situation involves the making of contracts and commission of various types of crimes and torts by the characters. Other issues in the project are also established with the supposedly necessary actions to be taken mentioned and critical analysis done. Contracts A contract is defined as a pact or arrangement between two parties which brings about an enforceable obligation to act upon or refrain from committing an action. The contract has a purpose to initiate an arrangement that the involved parties have made as well as organizing their obligations and rights in accordance with the pact. Adhesion contracts refer to the type of contracts that are made by the party who contains a better bargaining advantage thereby leaving the other party with no choice but to adhere to the terms of the contract or reject.

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("Types Of Contracts")When Lynx and her boyfriend Hunter went into the parking garage in the mall, they received a voucher that indicated the garage was not responsible for any kind of damage to the car. But because the two wanted to get into the mall, then they had to accept the terms of the garage. Later on, the vehicle is damaged by an employee of the garage through negligence but due to the contract between the garage and Lynx, it is not possible for the car to be repaired at the cost of the garage because Lynx already assented to the agreement once they entered and parked the vehicle in the garage. Torts A tort is defined as an omission or generally an act that would lead to harm or injury to another person or their property.

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Hunter, therefore, is entitled to be awarded damages that would cover for his ankle injury. Crimes A crime is an illegal action by somebody for which they are eligible for punishment by the government especially in situations whereby there is a violation of the law. The minimum age requirement for renting a car in the United States is 25, nevertheless, Hunter is able to convince Eminem to provide him with a rental vehicle. This crime is committed by both parties in that, Eminem rents a vehicle to a minor for the sake of money while Hunter rents the vehicle with the full knowledge that it is against the law to do so. Lynx, on the other hand, commits a crime as well as an intentional tort.

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Gatherer on his part would have made sure that the person whom he was offering a job was an adult and not a minor, in addition to ensuring safe working conditions in his property like covering up the gopher holes. The parking garage in future is required to avoid negligibility which proved to not only harm their customers but also their workers. Businesspersons are also required to be more ethical in their dealings with customers too. Eminem should have known better than renting a car to a minor of which had he been keen, would have established that Hunter was just a 16 year old probably with no driving license nor experience. Works Cited "Contract Law Terms: Definitions & Contract Types - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.

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