SPSS Analysis Essay
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Statistics
Alongside the analysis comprises of generalized views on work overload relative to the choice of coping up with the same, what the bosses demand most at workplace, and situations where decisions on handling the work are influenced. Further, the decision is analyzed specifically attributing to which respectively, the frequency of reporting to management, and when considering the various situations that arise in performing your work, the percentage of the time written procedures is there for dealing with them. It also comprises extent to which the standard operating procedures fit the situations presented in the workload, authority possessed in determining exceptions to be handled when encountered situations for which policies are unclear, encountering cases for which policies are unclear or do not fit unique client circumstances, to - Professional Experience, and exception arising in a normal week, and frequency of the exceptions arising if encountered with work for which policies are unclear.
Further encountering cases for which policies are unclear or do not fit unique client circumstances, related to professional training, likewise the same encounter of unclear policies or policies not fitting to the rare client circumstances, to – peer to peer consultation. The similar encounter, the cases for which policies are unclear or do not fit unique client circumstances, relative to professional ethics, and consultation with superiors are also analyzed. The interpretation is made based on the selected specific correlation results of subject variables in correspondence. We take specifically what is required i. e. correlation coefficient between independent variables to the dependent variables. The social work license status correlated highly and positively with variables – Q2, & Q4. Q4. Q5 -. Q6. Q7. a. Q15_4. Q15_5 -. Q16. Q17. Q18 -. J. The frequency distribution.
Journal of the Statistics, 16(12), 317-323. Appendix; Description of the variables used in the analysis is as follows; Q1 - Which of the following best describes your current work setting? Q2 - What percentage of your work day is spent in the office? Q3 - How much of your work deals directly with constituents face-to-face? Q4 - To what extent do you perform the same tasks from day to day? Q5 - To what extent do you perform the same tasks from day to day? Q6 - How much influence do you have in determining what tasks to perform day to day? Q7 - About what percent of the time are you faced with more work than you can process during normal business hours? 7a - If you experience work overload, which of the following do you use to cope with it? Q8 - Are there situations in which you have to make decisions about how to handle your work? Q8a - If so, is the decision due to any of the following: Q9 - How often are you expected to report to management? Q11 - When considering the various situations that arise in performing your work, what percentage of the time do you have written procedures for dealing with them? Q12 - To what extent do you find that standard operating procedures fit the situations presented in your workload? Q13 - During a normal week, how often do exceptions arise if you encounter work for which policies are unclear? Q14 - How much authority do you have in determining how exceptions are to be handled if you encounter situations for which policies are unclear? Q15_1 - If you encounter cases for which policies are unclear or do not fit unique client circumstances, to - Professional Training Q15_2 - If you encounter cases for which policies are unclear or do not fit unique client circumstances, to - Professional Experience Q15_3 - If you encounter cases for which policies are unclear or do not fit unique client circumstances, to - Peer to Peer Consult Q15_4 - If you encounter cases for which policies are unclear or do not fit unique client circumstances, to - Professional Ethics Q15_5 - If you encounter cases for which policies are unclear or do not fit unique client circumstances, to - Consult Superiors Q16 - To what extent are the resources you have adequate to meet specified needs of your workload? Q17- To what extent does your place of work (i.
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