Different Types of Leadership
Document Type:Coursework
Subject Area:Nursing
Situational leadership for instance is a very important model since the leader gains the trust of the followers through being concerned about their needs. Among other types of models is charismatic leadership, Laissez Faire and servant leadership Introduction Leadership is about inspiring and motivating the followers for them to achieve goals. The leader sets the goals then inspires the subordinates to achieve them. Leadership is found and needed everywhere. For there to be success in any institution of any kind, there must be a leader. To be able to influence others, situational leaders must try to understand the situation they are about to influence (McCleskey, 118-119). They also should be able to change their behavior to suit the situation. These kind of leaders interact with their followers to know their needs.
In nursing, situational leadership is very important because it would help a nurse to adapt to different situations during his/her work as a nurse. Situational leadership involves four behaviors namely directing, coaching, delegating and supporting. He is concerned about the needs of the customers, the community and his colleagues. Situational leadership is very much connected to the servant leadership. One of the characteristics of servant leadership is that the leader shows empathy and has desire to help. Situational leadership is as well concerned with the well-being of others. A situational leader shows empathy to others and gives them a listening ear. Unlike the Laissez Faire leader who plays a passive role and leaves everything to the subordinates, a servant leader is very active in ensuring that the followers achieve the goals (Allen, et al.
The Laissez Faire leader, leaves the followers observes how the work is done but and looks at the results but does not intervene. There is little support. The servant leader on the other hand, is actively committed to ensure goals are achieved by persuading followers. Charismatic leadership model and servant leadership A charismatic leader is one who very motivational and inspirational to the followers. They emphasize with others’ situations. How to implement each model? A charismatic leader leads through inspiring other people to be able to achieve the organizational goals. Since they are very skilled communicators and are eloquent speakers, they communicate to followers with emotions for them to buy their vision. They communicate the vision or the goals to be achieved in a captivating manner which arouses the emotions of the followers.
Laisses faire leadership on the other hand, is where the leaders delegate duties to the subordinates (Nanjundeswaraswamy and Swamy, 59-60). Charismatic leaders display some self-confidence which makes them trust him. They are able to gain their trust and unite them for a common purpose which is achievement of goals. Through effective communication skills and being convincing, the leader is able to get the employee or followers to buy their ideas. Through this way, he is able to convince them to adopt new changes. On the other hand, Laissez faire type of leadership is quite different since the leader gives full freedom to the employees and allows them to make decisions on their own (Raza). Situational and transformational leadership works in conjunction with one another. While a transformational leader adopt the transformation that takes place within the organization such as change in technology, a situational leader will study the situations arising due to the transformation and take the necessary action to ensure everything goes as per the plan.
More so, transformational leadership will involve the workers are versed with the emerging changes while situational leader will adapt the change and influence the workers to work as per the emerging changes. Therefore, any transformation that takes place within an organization will result to new situations that a situational leader will try to work on to ensure everything goes right (McCleskey, 118-119) Action plan The two areas of improvement that I would lie to work on in my leadership style is not trusting my followers and being hot tempered. S-SPECIFIC The specific goal is to be able to trust my employees more to entrust them with duties and to do tasks with minimal supervision. R-Results focused Goals should be more oriented towards measuring outcomes and not activities. These two goals for instance are set to increase the trust of employees and to reduce temper.
T-Time bound The achievement of the said goals is set to happen on a specific period of time. It will take one month for instance to achieve the goals. Conclusion Leadership have a role to play in deciding the type of leadership style to embrace or use in a certain scenario. “Leadership styles. ” myweb. astate. edu/sbounds/AP/2%20Leadership%20Styles. pdf. Advances in Management, vol. no. pp. mnsu. edu/activities/leadership/leadership_styles. Sparks, George. Charismatic leadership: Findings of an exploratory investigation of the techniques of influence, Journal of Behavioral Studies, vol. pp. aabri. com/manuscripts/141964.
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