Starship Troopers vs Plunkett of Tammany Hall

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:History

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It inspired the production of the first serial of movies in 1997 under the same name. The story is set in the future and Juan Ricco narrates it using flashbacks. He narrates about his political and philosophical beliefs based in the society he lives in, which is set in the past and future. Plunkett of Tammany Hall is a book written by William Riodorn in 1905. It contains all the talks or speeches made by George Washington. He feels that having worked for forty years has given him enough experience to become a role model to the young people planning to become politicians. For instance, he states that he is offering free advice to all the youths seeking political glory and riches. George Washington uses politics to express how it makes people rich.

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Anyone listening to his talks or seeking advice about a good career would select politics. He begins by explaining the mistakes people make in politics. The events taking place in this book are in the future, whereby the new method to become powerful politically has a big difference from the Plunkett of Tammany Hall. It is completely the opposite of what George Washington advised the young people to do. The second factor shared by George Washington is the state New York City is in. he explains that the republicans see it an s a pie. This means that every politician in the United States wants a piece of New York City. The republican politicians have been the most powerful since the eighteenth century.

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Most of them used their powerful status to take advantage of the innocent citizens. For instance, despite dictating how people will live, the politicians imposed taxes, which were supposed to be paid by everyone despite their financial status. The taxes collected were not used to make development s in New York as expected. Instead, the politicians used it for their own benefit. Rico believes that the goodness in a person, results from knowing who you are. This means that people who know their purpose will deliver the best they can. The leaders in this book are taking advantage of the laws to limit other interested parties from joining politics and sharing power. Rico does not do things since his auntie or other members of the community expect him to instead, he does what he thinks is right and will benefit everyone.

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On the other hand the republicans in Plunkett of Tammany Hall do, what they think is right for them. It entirely depend s on the perspective different people have about life and the plan they have for their future. Washington feels that books and studies hinder a person from learning the development and importance of human nature. He states that a person needs to forget the things they have lent in order to have a clearer explanation of human nature and social life. Learning the relationship between the two also helps the people to come up with strong social relationships between people. The people who learn things and practice them in their leadership roles rarely make good social relationships. The leaders in starship troopers have no evidence of interacting positively with their subjects.

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