Steps of starting an enterprise and new business

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

For instance, in the current world, lack of employment has rendered quite a large number of individuals jobless therefore they lack a source of livelihood. Individuals need to satisfy their growing wants including their basic needs which can only be achieved by having a source of income. In that case, individuals have started the development of enterprises and venturing into the new business so that they can comfortably live within their means. In some other instance, the idea of coming up with an enterprise and new business is rooted on the interest, passion and the skills that an individual have towards the venture they are willing to get into. For instance, a person may have developed the skills of running different types of outlets in his position of employment thus have a passion for running retailing store.

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Bodnar, G. H. , and Hopwood, W. S. Accounting information systems. McGraw-Hill Education. It provides a framework for coming up with a suitable team to work in the new business hence satisfying the aims of the research. Chesbrough, H. Business model innovation: opportunities and barriers. Long range planning, 43(2-3), pp. Hair Jr, J. F. , Wolfinbarger, M. , Money, A. H. Routledge. The source provides a strategy of coming up with a suitable name for the new business as one of the steps followed in the development. Methodology This section will pay attention to the research that will be carried out to determine the steps that are carried out while coming up with enterprise and new business. Quantitative and qualitative search approaches will be put to use to ensure that collection and analyzing of data collected is efficient and will provide substantial information and conclusion.

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There are a number of research techniques that will be utilized to provide the effective steps that need to be followed by individuals willing to venture into the enterprise and new business. In this case, the researcher will ask the interviewees questions regarding the procedures they followed when coming up with their new business ventures. The researcher will also seek to understand the relevance of each step in the process in relation to the success of coming up with functional enterprise and new business. In addition, the interviewee session will seek to identify the reasons that each individual had in order for them to start own business (Malterud, Siersma, &Guassora, 2016). Interviews are important to a researcher as they provide him or her with firsthand information regarding the subject of the topic (Malterud, Siersma, &Guassora, 2016).

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The second method that will be used by the researcher in quest of the provisions of the study is the administration of the questionnaires to selected new business owners. Some of the keywords that will be used during this process include enterprise, new business, and steps of starting up a new business. The sources will provide books and journals that have been written by scholars regarding the topic of research. This technique will provide the researcher with an opportunity of finding the relevant information and theories and models aligned to the procedures of starting up enterprise and new business. The review of relevant literature will be used to increase the knowledge and to enforce the information provided by the interviews and the questionnaires.

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