Steps That Follow When Introducing the Catheters to the Patients

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

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Further, the urinary tract infection has been on the increase due to the use of central line venous catheters. To address this concern in modern medicine, this document outlines various aspect to put in place during the several steps that follow when introducing the catheters to the patients. Overview of critical issues Sterility in operating rooms is vital for maintaining a free-infection zone when storing, handling and use of Foley catheters (Schroeder, 2008). Contaminated areas where the catheters are placed in the underlying cause of the many infections experienced by patients I modern world, this is because this contaminated areas usually harbor many microorganisms both infectious and non-infectious that are associated with causing urinary tract infections. They are mostly associated with formation biofilm composed of the uropathogens on the surface of the indwelling urinary catheter.

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This guideline has a great improvement in the reduction of the central line catheters. The education of those who initiate catheters in other departments in hospital unit and also the surgical nurses really matters in preventing and reducing the rate of urinary tract infection. Previous lack of some critical knowledge on handling and initiating the process catheterization proved to have a significance on increasing the rise of urinary tract infection after the process of catheterization. This menace can be averted by several things to consider, this includes, maintaining a proper hygiene which is the top among the things to consider. Compromising hygiene during the process of initiating catheters would definitely lead to contamination of the microorganisms which will probably colonize the surface of the indwelling catheters leading to the formation of biofilm.

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The reason for this is to prevent any mode the pathogenic microorganisms to enter and have a moist environment for their growth and multiplication. The second hypothetical plan to implement is to aseptic techniques, which include having proper clothing, a number of clean sterile gloves, sponges, and the appropriate antiseptic solution which the medical use in the process of catheterization (Seif, El-Temawy, & Ahmed, 2013). The reason behind this action plan is to prevent transferring all the possible ways a pathogenic microorganism can be transferred during the process. The other important area which is critical to maintaining a free from infection when initiating and maintaining a healthy, free from infection is by disconnecting the drainage bag from the catheter, and it should be done using clean hands. The longevity of the use of the catheter should be as short as possible to make it almost impossible for any growth of pathogenic microorganisms that would compromise the safety and health of the catheterization process.

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For a long time, this problem has been dealt with by removing the catheter when it is infected. Techniques that have been employed to prevent the formation of pathogenic biofilm on the urinary catheter surface have been developed. It included having a proper administrative infrastructure, the quality improvement programs which aimed at the strategizing on how the indwelling catheters should be used. The proper techniques for the urinary catheter maintenance and the maintaining aseptic techniques while handling the catheters and the process of insertion are among the top things to consider when dealing with the catheter urinary tract infection. To enable this change of plan to prevent any form of urinary tract infection, laws governing this should be put in place to guide the surgical nurse and other stakeholders to maintain a healthy and safe environment free from infection.

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Health Protection Surveillance Centre (Ireland). Guidelines for the prevention of catheter associated urinary tract infection. Dublin: Health Protection Surveillance Centre. Mathur, S. Bristol Urological Institute. A. Ahmed, E. H. Biofilm Formation by E-Coli Causing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) in Assiut University Hospital \\ Egyptian Journal of Medical Microbiology. Vol. Denton, Tex: D. Wells.

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