Strategic Communications Plan

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Media

Document 1

The awards will be issued according to each of their specific contributions and ability to uphold the code of ethics. Nevertheless, to be able to implement such events I will require funding and support from the board and directors. I will also call upon any individual involved in the accounting operations to support me in ensuring that members of the AICPA feel appreciated and motivated in their career endeavors. The reason why I think that it is essential to motivate members of this association is that there is the likely hood of losing memberships, which in turn will to loss of money. The membership enrollment needs to be kept steady, which requires unending persuasion of ore members to join the organization. My message will be addressed to managers, directors, credentialing, finance departments, information technology; government relations offices amongst other departmental heads will attend the summit to help In deciding on my proposal.

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Since my audience will be comprised of individuals whose operations closely related to accounting, a professional language will be appropriate (Hallahan 1-35). One of the reasons why I have been able to gather the confidence to come up with such a proposal is due to my ability to establish a positive relationship with my audience while working on different projects in the past. I have been able to relate well to every individual in every department that I have been in a position to connect professionally. All the members of the association who are at the same level as me can attest to my ability to correlate well with every member of the organization that I have ever had to work with. Members of audience understand the importance of maintaining membership as well increasing the number of members.

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I will be able to communicate effectively due to the presence of individuals who will follow the critical importance of my message. I understand that my audience may not be a collection of people who will entirely support me. I have not been working in my organization for long (TENNYSON). Therefore, my skills for developing and implementing a proposal may be less effective as compared to other members of AICA with more than five years of experience. The rank each member of my audience holds in their organizations will be important during the preparation of the proposal. The information about my audience has been identified as one of the fundamental requirements during the preparation for my proposal. Therefore a plan Is needed on how data will be collected from all the members.

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My main strategy in data collection will involve the current relationship I have established with various members of AIPCA (Hallahan 1-35). I will make some inquiries from them concerning multiple members of my audience. Therefore, my message will have to be compelling in every bit. To ensure the clarity of my message, I will provide that every person present during the presentation of my proposal has a written copy of my entire plan. The details of the write documents will cover further elaborative facts concerning my project. This will be a way of helping with the decision making the process of the audience. There is a likelihood of having members of my audience who whose goals are not aligned with the intentions associated with my proposal. Given the fact that I will intend to pitch the idea of a new award program, I will need to use the tell/sell communication style (Hallahan 1-35).

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I will be able to elaborate the need for a new action plan. A PowerPoint presentation will be the most appropriate way to approach my presentation. I chose this method because it can capture the attention of my audience. My call for action is a considerably achievable and it has been elaborated.

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