Strategic Planning in Human Resource

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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The areas include technology, work ethics and employment law, rewarding systems, benchmarking and adoption of the right tools in measuring market risks. In addition, communication is vital in an organization since the management is able to understand the workers and their ideas on how to improve the running of the organization. For the management to be effective in future it has to understand the market properly and use all the available techniques, skills and resources that are needed to satisfy the customers’ utility. This can be achieved by adoption of various management programs that are essential in binding the organization to the workers and the society through participating in community development projects. Failure to incorporate the few named aspects leads to poor future performance both to the business and the management thus fails the human resource.

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The system helps to boost the rate of marketing procedures and ways that improves a business. The information systems are tools that are used in marketing that helps in decision making processes by managers or business owners hence leads to development and growth of various business activities. The tools are used to collect, analyze and manage the data with an intention of effectively using it to develop the information that is necessary in marketing field. It is evident that proper utilizing the information system tools affects positively the decision making processes which helps to shape the business future and management techniques. The management becomes effective in using the right information system and applications on them shapes and predicts future outcome of the business (Lindgreen, Hingley, Grant & Morgan, 2012). Insight of analytics and metrics and its implications to HR Organization should use metrics and analytics methods in order to discover chances that are essential to the organization.

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They are measurements that give the probability of various sectors incorporated with different forces. For instance, talent metrics is the measurement that an organization realizes the respective talents of its workers and how they can use it in betterment of work. The management performance is usually moved by the metrics and analytics know how and proper utilizing and using it leads to ample decision making processes and secures the future management. Analytics provide information and makes sense of data in uncovering new trends. This helps in understanding their strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threats that affect the organization. Proper benchmarking open the eyes of both workers and the management where they will be able to go to the scoreboards and work on the weak areas hence making the organization and future management stand out in the future.

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Regular benchmarking equips the management with more external knowledge and they are able to realize the opportunities that are there and hence work towards reaching them (Zhu, 2014). On the other hand, benchmarking may fail since not all organization support it since they do not like sharing their success secrets to their respective competitive organizations. Communication Communication plays a role in planning, controlling, leading and controlling various aspects in the organization. Choosing the right programs gives a skeleton on how various tasks and behaviors should be conducted when approaching a given workforce. For instance, the language used in an organization should be suitable to all workers and through it; they are able to effectively communicate without feeling manipulated and undermined due to their level of literacy. In addition, the rules should be well stipulated and should protect all the staffs interest without discriminating anyone be it gender, race, ethnicity or religion.

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With this, the organization will be able to move forward and achieve its goals and will be effective to the future and the corporate business world. The management program should guide employees’ behavior and this promotes company culture. Understanding and predicting the nearly coming risks will enable the management to be cautious in terms of its operations and will help the management to strategically plan for new ways that will not be affected by the risks. Failure to understand the risks puts the future of the management performance at stake and might lead to dissolution of the organization and bankruptcy since it will have to incur a lot of cost in surviving the risks. Team building plays a role in future management performance and project delivery in organizations. The determinants act as a bridge towards achieving the goals and hence give the team a direction on the path to follow.

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For instance, a clearly defined team objective is the core determinant since it bounds members and leaders to work on the same scale and fulfill the expectations of the set standards in a given project. This secures the future of the workers and will be able to work with assurance of benefitting from the organization in future. This helps the management to be effective in terms of performance and be relevant in the future. In addition, supporting various organizations projects and community development schemes is a strategic plan in keeping the organization performance effective. The management through incorporating and supporting the community in providing and contributing towards building infrastructure like hospitals, libraries and schools keeps the organization to survive in the near future. With this, some stakeholders and the government will support the organization and this act as a bridge towards its success.

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In addition, it keeps the management on the right channel in focusing on the future events that affects the organization and this helps in future preparations (Idowu & Papasolomou, 2007). The disadvantage of personal credibility is that it is hard to foresee future occurrences and the level of workers resigning ways. Mistrust to workers leads to increase in job resignations. Conclusion It is evident that strategic planning processes especially in human resource department are the key elements that keep the business or organization is able to stand out in future. The various market risks measurements and critical evaluation of the structure are triggered by technology advancement. Dessler, G. Tan, C. Human resource management: An Asian perspective. Pearson Prentice Hall. Dyer, W. Mitchell, T. Dossett, D. The importance of participative goal setting and anticipated rewards on goal difficulty and job performance.

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Journal of Applied Psychology, 63 , 163 – 171. Lindgreen, A. Leader ethical decision-making in organizations: Strategies for sensemaking. Journal of Business Ethics, 107(1), 49-64. Zhu, J. Quantitative models for performance evaluation and benchmarking: data envelopment analysis with spreadsheets (Vol. Springer.

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