Strengths and Weaknesses of Circuit of Culture

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Media

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Weaknesses, on the other hand, relate to the inability of the approaches to achieve different needs regarding analyzing a culture. The circuit of culture is one of the dominant methods of assessing a culture (Anderson, 2014). A scholar is likely to come across several weaknesses and strengths while using this method to study a culture. This paper aims at analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the circuit of culture approach. Strengths of the approaches of studying culture primarily depend on their ability to assess all the aspects of a culture. This approach is different from the Marxist models that involve the production forces shaping all the materials. It can be considered a resistance from the dominant ideologies regarding cultures (Anderson, 2014). We shall begin by focusing on the strengths of this approach. The first strength is that Circuit of culture is a multidisciplinary approach which increases analytic power through considering all the aspects of a certain culture.

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Analyzing the five dimensions of a culture helps the researcher to study multiple aspects of a civilization. The flexibility of Circuit of culture is attributed to the use of multiple approaches in the examination of a culture. One may choose to focus on just a few of the five aspects, in assessing a culture, depending on the existing requirements (Cole, 2015). This feature of the methodology helps the theorists to use different styles to examine the aspects of a culture. For example, in studying a school culture, a researcher may decide to focus on representation, production, and consumption. The theorist can use these aspects to gather most of the information regarding school culture, instead of focusing on all the aspects. It is hence different from the other hypotheses and this means that it may not have various functions found in the other theories.

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We shall analyze two of the limitations of this method. One of the weaknesses of the circuit of culture is that the theorist is likely to confuse between the aspects of the culture with other aspects when assessing the culture of an organization. For example, there are other aspects of an organization such as human resource, marketing, and accounting among others. This approach only takes into account the five aspects including production, representation, regulation, consumption, and identity. Culture reporting needs communication between parties to avoid missing out on important details. This approach assumes that the audiences need to rely primarily on the theoretical framework, which may not apply to all surroundings (Champ, 2013). The circuit of culture provides researchers with an extreme amount of freedom to make inferences about a particular culture.

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The readers need a better understanding of how the researchers arrive at the inferences. The critics of this methodology demand a combination of researcher’s findings and information from a human with experiences regarding a particular culture (Champ, 2013). There is, therefore, a need to improve this approach in an attempt to eliminate the weaknesses. References Anderson, T. Circuits of Culture: Media, Politics, and Indigenous Identity in the Andes by Jeff D. Himpele. American Anthropologist, 111(4), 529-530.

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