Stress and violence in the workplace

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

There have been questions on whether the tool is successful in accomplishing its goals and expected results. The CIS management tool is prepared to evaluate how stress affect the overall body and mind of an individual, the purpose and expected outcomes, and if it will resolve the stress and help cope with violence in a healthcare setting. Question 1 The stress reactions experienced by the workers can fall under several classifications as physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioural. In healthcare, some nurses may experience these symptoms immediately they are exposed to the risks while others may show the symptoms after some time. The physical symptoms demand that nurses should seek urgent medical attention. Under the behavioural indications, a nurse may notice particular changes in them and co-workers.

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The changes may include withdrawal, anger (Fink, 2016), that can lead to disagreement among co-workers, substance abuse and exhibition of violent, among others. Question 2 There are many professionals that can be affected by stress from overburdened work environment. Military officers are among the individuals at risk for stress and trauma associated with their occupation. While in combat, the military personnel might experience attacks, shootings, and explosions that occur unaware (Kolski, et, al. They tend to blame themselves and enter into post-traumatic stress and depression. The tool is critical in this case as it can be used to teach them how to avoid such thoughts and how live with the guilt. Question 3 The CIS management tool was developed to assist victims in controlling and managing their trauma.

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It allows people to talk about their experiences freely without any judgments or criticism. The CIS management tool is usually peer-based, and the professionals might come from different sectors. For those already in the critical countries like Syria that experience events that cause stress levels to rise, the tool helps them get the necessary help from the professionals. While some may be short term, the apparatus is meant to improve both the short and long-term reactions to regain their normal functioning. Having been expected to help the people who find themselves in situations where they have to deal with stress, it is unfortunate that the device has not been able to serve its purpose effectively considering the idea that people still complain about stress.

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Question 5 Different past studies have evaluated the effectiveness of the CIS and psychological assessment. The promising research by Mayou and Hobbs (2000) has indicated that the tool is ineffective as others imply that it may make the victims worse. Each industry is under the exposure of certain workplace risks and abuse. Efforts to help different professions manage the work related stress led to the development of the Critical Incident Stress (CIS) Management Tool. The primary purpose of the approach was to help the victims of the different stress reactors to control and manage their conditions and to get them back to the normal state of functioning. However, the tool has been proven to be ineffective through different studies and research activities. Critics have also implied that debriefing, which involves questioning a stressed person to understand their state of mind, may be unnecessary considering many people may resolve their symptoms within the first three months of the traumatic experience.

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