Summary of international management

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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The capacity to contain the uncertain global geopolitical and economic systems requires extensive learning on international management for establishing strategic models to steward international organizations better. The dynamism in the international business environment renders past assumptions and business models obsolete making it imperative to apply strategic skills that respond to market uncertainty. International management by Fred Luthans and Jonathan P. Doh provides an understanding for global managers and leaders on how to cut through the complexities of international dynamism and yield tremendous progress. The text provides people with requisite skill and knowledge evolve with the emerging trends to gain a competitive advantage in the management of international entities. The global business environment requires an understanding of how to undertake tactical approaches in maneuvering around the unpredictable political, social and economic factors affecting their business efficiency.

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An understanding of the international market environment informs managers of the best framework to employ to establish an approach that better understand market dynamics. The uptake of such an elaborate framework by an entity develops a mechanism that is a global tactic premised on the need to fit their product appeal across the international market (Voegtlin, Patzer, & Scherer, 2012). On the other hand, a multinational approach refers to companies which design products that vary depending on the world region. The company is engaged in several markets that are beyond its domestic market to enhance the ability to improve their internal presences and enhancing their sales volume. Moreover, real case studies also include the Euro Disneyland, Beyond Tokyo in Disney’s expansion in Asia and Walmart’s global strategies on how they combat the challenge of cultural diversity (Luthans, & Doh, 2012).

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The different brief and in-depth integrative cases provide an understanding of the complexities in a diverse global culture of establishing a competent international management framework to better deliver an incredible outcome for progression. International Strategic Management Strategy delivers the driving trajectory of progression both in the domestic and international business environment. The essence of international strategic management has been enumerated in the book by addressing the concepts of strategy formulation and implementation. The book looks into entry strategies and organizational structures together with managing political risk, government relations and alliances. The ability to develop an excellent international management strategy requires skills and knowledge cultivated through analysis of case studies of international companies in the global business environment. The analysis of the different topics is backed by practical applications from real cases involving the decision by Microsoft to Open the Gates in relation to patent, piracy and political challenges in China (Luthans, & Doh, 2012).

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An analysis of whether Sony would regain the innovative edge through the implementation of the OLED project in an international market environment charged with competitive pressure and diverse consumer tastes. Moreover, real case studies also incorporate the Tata “Nano” model christened the Peoples Car descriptive of how to the international strategic model should influence performance in the global market (Luthans, & Doh, 2012). The case of the ascendance of Air Asia describing how the management transformation initiative developed a master plan enabling them attains a successful budget airline in Asia. Moreover, in-depth integrative case studies also include the HSBC case in China, Chiquita’s Global Turnaround and a supplementary analysis of the Nokia situation in targeting the base of the pyramid representing how the entities tackled their organizational competencies in reaping the benefits of globalization (Luthans, & Doh, 2012).

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