Sustainable and circular economy

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

Less accessible, new and less attractive locations for mining or sourcing will have to be explored and this results in degradation of the land, local damage and deterioration, while increasing in costs because of the location and rise in environmental and social pressure. Nations and businesses have to look for alternatives which offer better added value and business case, and one of the alternatives is circular economy (Hepbasli, 2008, p600). Circular economy is designed in a way that materials and products can be reused and recovered almost endlessly. The value of the product does not just exit the economy. However, in order to establish a circular economy, there is need for a coherent change in the behavior of the consumers, business practice and government policies.

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Also, to have the government cooperate with the business world in order to see the sustainable economy in place is difficult, and so this system remains unexploited. SECTION 2: CHOSEN COMPANY My company of choice is Ibrahim Abouleish in Egypt. The company spent a significant amount of time considering what it can do to start sustainable cultivation practice (Demirbas et al, 2009, 1496). They began cultivating organic cotton. The organic techniques resulted in reducing the costs of farming and improving the yield by about 30 percent. In general sustainability strategies seem difficult in the first place, but as they continue developing and taking root, they become profit generating. SECTION 3: LITERATURE REVIEW While some companies are still sticking to the traditional ways of doing things, there are others that are awake and have their things done in a different but better way to ensure that they see sustainability gives them a push ahead of their competitors (Maroušek, 2013, p 679).

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In order to achieve this, there are several things that need to be streamlined. One of them is leadership. If the leadership of the company is blinded, they can never see the rationale of investing a lot of money on sustainable programs while the benefits have not begun manifesting. This helps the company to avoid unnecessary conflicts with the authority and save on unnecessary expenses. For sustainability also there is need to have good supply chain management. Both the incoming raw materials and the disposal mechanisms have to be managed well. In case one of them is poorly managed, the overall sustainability and profit system will be affected. The company in this scenario has discovered this secret and ensures that all the stakeholders, suppliers and employees are updated on the progress of the sustainability scheme, and they are invited to bring their input concerning the same project.

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They are interested in seeing the progress of the initiative since this will go back to them in terms of longevity of job contracts, incentives, awards and other benefits. The company’s management is interested in achieving huge profit margins in order to compete with other companies effectively. They put all their efforts together to ensure that the sustainability plan has succeeded. Therefore, all the stakeholders have something they are into within the whole course of this initiative (Ghisellini et al, 2016, p25). SECTION 5: SUSTAINABILITY BENCHMARK In the sustainability report of this company, there are no graphs to depict the information given. Keeping the customers updated is a precious initiative that will see the company grow and perform well. Not only has SEKEM group of companies pioneered production of cotton in Egypt, but this particular initiative also ensures that there is a closed chain of value and this is unique globally.

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This is probably why this company has no major threatening companies to compete with (Antonio, 2010, p896). Therefore, this company has the ability to influence the conditions of producing its organic cotton and marketing it right through the farmers to the end consumer. This is a concept that is deeply embedded in the progress of this company and it is in line with the vision of sustainability. Therefore, I basically recommend that managers learn to come up with ways in which their companies can utilize sustainability and reusability of resources so as to be on the top in the list of companies within that particular industry. This sustainability project should be evaluated regularly in order to ensure that the vision as to why it was established is still held intact.

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SECTION 7: CONCLUSIONS From the company in the case scenario, it can rightly be deduced that in order to be a success amidst a stiff competition, a company ought to come up with ways of minimizing expenses and other costs, and maximizing the profits. This is possible when the resources in the firm or company are sustainable. Companies should not allow any energy to exit their economy. These include finance, knowledge, village development and private sector. The functional structures that will be put in place will ensure that the government policies are designed to support them. This will ultimately result in sustainable energy utilization in the country. Case 2: The Beef Scandal In 2013 there was news that horse meat was on sale in British supermarkets.

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After various tests, it was noted that there were low levels of this animal’s DNA, and this was a confirmation that the meat was indeed a horse meat. Although there are other forms on the smartphones which can serve this particular purpose, those are limited to only usage by the bill payer. However, in this one, the entire family can access. Therefore, the device is committed to ensuring that there is no unnecessary usage of electricity, and that users can control how they spend their electricity. All this is inspired by desire to see the world have sustainable usage of electricity, power and all other resources that are helpful to humanity. Case 4: Hydrogen fuel cell pilots This is a project in Japan that is aimed at seeing sustainability in the energy industry.

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