Teaching plan hand hygiene
The high incidence of HAIs is mostly preventable through adherence and observance of basic hand washing hygiene by the healthcare staff. The teaching session will aim to cover the topic of hand hygiene in the delivery of health care interventions to newly licensed nurses within the healthcare teams. Hand hygiene has been documented as a critical and simple intervention in preventing nosocomial infections (Saito, Allegranzi & Pittet, 2018). The World Health organization developed and described the 5 moments of hand hygiene (Saito, Allegranzi & Pittet, 2018). It is however notable that adherence to hand hygiene among the nursing care staff is often low due to reasons such as high provider workload and knowledge gaps on effective procedures for hand hygiene. Lecture as a way of delivering information will be supported by a power point presentation which will detail the lecture (Mohammadjani & Tonkaboni, 2015).
The participants will be provided with handouts of the lecture notes prior to the presentation to ensure they familiarize with the content and to promote active participation (Nematollahi & Isaac, 2011). During the lecture, the participants will be allowed 3 minutes to ask questions and responses will be provided by the presenter. A 10 minutes practical session on the technique of hand washing will be conducted within the teaching hall. A clinical instructor will utilize the available sink and running water and antiseptic in the training room to initially demonstrate to the participants the technique of correct hand washing. Noting down key points during the presentation is essential to promote an emphasis on specific actions, pointers or statistics that are critical to the learners (Sleister, 2014). Handouts will be important to enable the learners to prepare for the session and ensure the learners understand and follow the lecture delivery effectively.
Teaching aids such flip charts will be essential to present the process and moments of hand hygiene during the lecture as well as during the demonstration session. The presenters will also utilize journal articles from the websites and videos of expert opinions will be shared with the learners. These teaching aids will be critical to informing the learners of the available evidence for hand hygiene as well as enhance remembrance. Advances in Physiology Education, 40(1), 17-25. doi: 10. advan. MacArthur, C. Konold, T. The burden of healthcare-associated infection in Australian hospitals: A systematic review of the literature. Infection, Disease & Health, 22(3), 117-128. doi: 10. j. idh. doi: 10. j. x Pfeffer, C. Rogalin, C. Three Strategies for Teaching Research Methods. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 15(2), 336-337. doi: 10. jmbe. v15i2. Topic: Hand washing and hygiene Date: 6/10/2018 TIME 30 minutes 8.
am Powerpoint presentation lecture Introduce the 5 moments of hand hygiene Explain the available statistics on adherence to hand hygiene and resulting HAIs Explain the process of hand washing (hand washing technique. Listening Answering and Asking Questions Powerpoint presentation- computer and projector Handouts pens 8. am Hand washing practical session Demonstrate the ideal hand washing technique Supervise return demonstrations by the students Asking questions Guiding the learners in the practice Listening, asking and answering questions Return practical demonstration on hand washing technique. Running water Soap Sink Disposable towels Flip charts Maker pens 8. Evaluation 5 Multiple choice questions and 1 question on hand washing technique description.
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