Teaching Reflective Journal

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

As a person planning to be educator, I have plans of creating a learning centered environment aimed at enhancing learning capabilities of all my students. The strategy in place will enable the children not only to learn but more knowledge that will be essential in their daily lives. Normally the reasons for teaching is mainly to teach students main points to enable them reach college level and eventually start their profession, my intention is to add more to this as life is not all about profession to everyone, adding more to self-realization that will enable students realize who they are and what they are capable of. This means I will include a very interactive learning like the use of hands-on learning where participation and excitement is the key to this learning.

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Actually through this, school will offer more than it does currently as school should not be boring but a place where students get the chance to bond with others through learning exercise. Through these steps one must be able to learn individually through tough experiences. There are different stages, formal operational stage is one of the stages. It consists of the return of egocentrism and the ability to think hypothetically. This stage is mostly operational for children in the middle school level, since this is where the children are aware of the moral rules though they are very inconsistent in following the rule. Here I will gather up the children and teach them about the rules first before a game hence through everyday training and slowly catching up with rules they will get to understand more than the younger children who play under their own egocentric rules.

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Making friends from childhood is very critical as it enables one to learn to trust disclose secrets and hence improve their views on relationships when they grow up. Social and emotional learning’s are key to every human beings life as even adults whose social life was disappointing when they were young still have problems with making friends or forming relationships with others. So as a teacher this will be my key point as I will create a classroom that support social and emotional development and minimize unhealthy competitions that mostly exist in our classrooms today. This task as a teacher will not be possible without the parents help link efforts both at home and in school to help me realize this dream.

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To create a better environment in my classroom I will strongly emphasize on the use of repetition theory and rewarding to increase and maintain high motivational standards. Friendships created at an early stage tend to be stronger and built on a foundation of trust and love. Based on this most students will focus on their goals and will want to achieve them so as not to look like failures in the presence of their peer friends. During the first years of school most students are dependent on their teachers even the slightest decision they make. As they grow further towards adolescence there is self-realization and most of their decisions is based on their peer acceptance. It is important as a teacher to encourage students to accept themselves and boost their self-esteem as most parents tend to fall out with their kid’s at this stage.

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