Techniques of leadership impact on work content

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

There is a positive effect on job satisfaction by transformational leadership and a negative effect on job content by transactional leadership as revealed by the findings. The findings from the research also propose that politics perceived in the organization partially mediates both relationships between leadership styles and work content. © 2015Publishedby ElsevierLtd. This isanopenaccess article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4. The control of the perceptions of organizational politics of the employed that influence their results is one of the leadership roles (Ram &Prabhakar, 2010). The capability to average or decrease the organizational politics perceptions hence increasing work content is a skill possessed by constructive leaders with good leadership styles. Hence, both politics of organization and leadership styles are aspects of importance that may influence the job content of employees.

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As far as researcher’s know, till now no study research has been initiated to research on the intermediate role of organizational perceived politics between leadership styles that is, transaction and transformational and job content in reference to Pakistan educational sector, which this study is going to do. While decreasing perceptions of organizational politics and its negative results, a greater comprehension of the link between leadership styles work content and perceived organizational politics allows fast changing organizational conditions to be better managed. Their subordinates become prolific, creative, innovative and adaptable to diverse environmental situations within the institution from the leaders’ help (Furkan, Kara, Tascan, &Avsalli, 2010). They also help in reduction of the probabilities of problems related to the job(Berson&Avolio, 2004). Transactional leadership handles the transaction or exchange between the leaders and their subordinate.

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This is a leader-follower transaction established on the leadership where the leader exchanges payments or correction with the subject for the activity executed, and in turn anticipates for efficiency, loyalty, and efforts from the subject as from Naidu & Van der walt (2005). On the sector of pleasing their personal need in the practiced control plans, transactional leaders get their juniors to execute tasks in the way they prefer (Kanungo, 2001). Employees will likely be more contented and like to be with the organization when they receive the salary, promotion, benefits, state of work, promotion, management and co-workers of their choice. Perceived Organizational Politics A casual manner of obtaining power via a medium other than good fortune or worthiness is organizational politics (Dubrin, 2010. “Organizational politics is not certainly an objective reality but a subjective perception,” as stated by Ferris et al.

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Formulations of politics of the organization are in a negative way interconnected with the conduct and attitudinal results of individuals as suggested in a model by Ferris et al (1989). Likewise to Kacmar& Ferris (1991), “the degree to which persons perceive their job surrounding as nurturing personal interests of others, political in nature and thereby unjust and unfair from one’s perception point” is represented by POP. On the association between leadership styles and workers results which include job content, dedication, and accomplishment in their studies, in their studies, many researchers used a similar thought and examined the intermediate tasks of variables that are many. Leader position and conduct influence the work understanding of workers, which then affect the attitude of workers towards their work as pointed out by Ferris & Rowland (1981). Therefore, the perceptions of employees of the job environment, similar to perceptions of politics of organization may be an intermediary between leadership styles and job satisfaction.

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Between work content, leadership styles and behavior of citizens in an organization Pillai, Schriesheim, & Williams, (1999) discoveredin their investigation, a justice that’s distributive, entrustment and procedural justice as an intermediate. The association between leadership styles and behavior of citizens in an organization, employees’ performance and commitment Gadot, (2007); Talat, Rehman, & Ahmed, (2013) came to the realization that organizational politics mediate partially.

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