The effect of music therapy research critique

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

A good title is one that is precise and gives the reader a picture of what the research study is all about as such, the title talks of therapy in relation to music and recreation activity. The reader is, therefore, able to know that the study is a comparison between music therapy and general recreation therapy (Vink et al. When it comes to the description of the study, it is also good since it clarifies that the study emphasizes on music therapy as a better non-pharmacological intervention compared to recreational therapy. Further, the study singles out the patients with dementia alone, making it more specific and easier to identify the audience. As such the title and the description of the study qualify to be considered as good in preparing the reader for the content.

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” (Vink et al. pp. They as such support music as a means of therapy. On the other hand, the research also cites Gerdner (2000) who is of the opinion that even though music may work as therapy to dementia, it works at a much slower pace and its effects cannot be felt immediately. Furthermore, the literature is critically evaluated because the author has pointed out each literature and its weaknesses as well as gaps (Vink et al. This research design was the one that was appropriate for the study and was able to answer the question because of its ability to offer casual inferences. RCT was appropriate for this research because such a research needed imperial evidence and as such this research approach has been known for its strength in providing empirical evidence of an efficiency of a treatment (Vink et al.

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Randomization of those selected to participate in this study and concealment of allocation as well as control arms ensured that allocation bias is reduced. Further, it ensures that confounding of the unknown variable is also minimized. During this study, data were collected four times randomly, and this was enough since it ensured that the information necessary is captured. In other words, the people that were not diagnosed with any form of dementia were excluded. Procedure The research instrument used in data collection was the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI) is a 29- that can automatically examine agitation. The CMAI was chosen as the best data collection as it is in line with the area that was under study. The validity of this measure was stated since the author has indicated that the score of >44, is the median norm score (Vink et al.

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Furthermore, the research states that the reliability scores for this measure, the CMAI has several reports that indicate success and authenticity in the other nursing home where it was used. The variables were 1 to 34, which was considered as the variables of the repeated measure (Vink et al. The tables, the graphs and the chart used are significant to the data analysis since they make the interpretation of data much easier. Discussion The discussion is flowing from the data collected because the discussion section begins with a recollection of what the results have indicated then it flows to give a brief on how the data was shown. The flow is made stronger when the discussion enters the strengths and limitation section because it is the section where the researcher reveals how the results might have had some weaknesses (Vink et al.

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In the process of the discussion, the researcher has revealed that there is a comparison of the research with some of the research results that have already been recorded. U. Zuidema & J. P. J. Slaets (2014).

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