The employee satisfaction and work motivation

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

Importantly, this is very crucial for any worker in the organization as their roles and tasks demand high skills with proper attitude, skill and knowledge. Therefore, this needs time, high cost to train as well as retrain the workers to the standard needed to perform a particular work and time. According to (Kleinbeck, et al) job satisfaction also impact humanitarian interests as workers deserve to be treated with high opinion and have their emotional as well as physical well-being increased. According to (Latham) a satisfied employee commonly achieves or even go beyond the fulfillment of their formal requirements of their job. However, he stated that dissatisfied employees shows a tendency for counterproductive features actions for instance, burnout, withdrawal and workplace aggression which not appealing in well discipline establishment in the company.

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However, job satisfaction is different from motivation even if it is clearly linked. Among the biggest preface to the research of job satisfaction was the researches by Hawthorne. This is the studies which begun in the year 1924 until 1933, which required to explore on the impacts of different conditions on employee’s productivity (Furnham and Treglown). The research revealed that novel changes in job condition momentarily enlarged the productivity and was stated as Hawthorne Effect. It was then found that the rise in outcome was not as a result of the new conditions, else from the knowledge of being observe. The effect of the theory is that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not opponent ends of the same measure am that job satisfaction may just be an absence of job dissatisfaction.

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(Herzberg) stated that it is important to have hygiene factors at an acceptable state simply to reach a neutral feeling concerning the work (Furnham and Treglown). The theory therefore is simple and acknowledge the argument which manager must take determination on cultivating hygiene factor from the workplace and also emphasize on motivation factor to develop the right individuals on the job. Literature review on job satisfaction (Gagné) examined the whole job satisfaction among the workers. The aim of the study was to measure the level of job satisfaction within the workers with the main objectives of analyzing the core factors which impact their job satisfaction and to establish the overall measure of the factor, in term of essence and contribution to the state of job satisfaction.

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The strongholds of the three determinants lends greatly support to the essential of extrinsic rewards in the creation of workers job satisfaction in the municipal government organization. In contrast, only one of the three individuals’ features tested emerged as a significant factors of job satisfaction. (Polachek and Tatsiramos) researched on the job satisfaction on the registered nurses as well as the determinants which resulted to the satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the acute adult hospital in USA’s (Latham) research had qualitative and descriptive design which was grounded on the theoretical model of Maslow’s requirement on hierarchy theory. However, it was found that most of the nurses were most satisfied and were working part time. The result of this research emphasized the associations among co-workers and the job benefits as dissatisfies along with low levels of perceive autonomy and professional chances as satisfiers (Kleinbeck, et al).

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