The federal tax dollar funding policy

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Management

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Chris Conover in his article, How American Citizens Finance Healthcare for Undocumented Immigrants talks about how uninsured immigrants’ healthcare is covered by federal taxes paid by local and state taxpayers. He says that the recent federal policy is focussed on prohibiting health care tax funding through Obamacare or Medicaid to unauthorized immigrants. The laws concerning federal tax dollar funding for illegal immigrants should be strictly enforced. Kenneth Ray and John Griffith, in their book, The Well- Managed Healthcare Organization, draws on experiences of Baldridge Award-winning and high performing organizations. The book entails how to run a health care organization by use of cultural leadership and operational leadership, continuous improvements, best practices, benchmarking and use of evidence (White & Griffith, 2010). 0 through cost-shifting. Americans thus cross-subsidize up to $18 — billion per year to cater to illegal immigrants' healthcare.

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The survey on National Health Interview showed that the number of unauthorized immigrants declined by 19. 7 million from 2010 to 2017. Contrary to that, each illegal immigrant costs the local and state governments up to $89 per capita basis. This includes public charitable contributions, tax-exempt bond backing, and the foregone taxes. The unauthorized immigrants get about $0. 9 billion of the benefit share in additional federal grants for their health care. The federal tax bankrolling of illegal immigrants is therefore unconstitutional, inefficient, unnecessary and immoral. Chris in his recent article further explains why taxpayers should not fund illegal immigrants’ healthcare. It is fiscally untenable to claim that American citizens should equal the whole world to similar standards we are willing to offer to our pitiable citizens. Moreover, if Americans are not obliged to offer citizens of other nations a decent least health care, then it does not make sense how we will be obligated to incur such when they enter the country illegally (Himmelstein et al.

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Additionally, if the Americans would feel the moral obligation, they could not have voted in the Obamacare, and it would have incorporated a provision explicitly refuting that Obamacare funding should finance illegal immigrants' health care needs. The citizens should be given freedom of choice on the issue as they are the ones financing the tax fund. A 1. More of the adjustment would be either cutting on expenditure or coming up with ways that discourage unauthorized immigrants from showing up at their hospital doors. The ProPublica expose will thus help fill the gap for safety net hospitals. Furthermore, Kenneth and Griffith, in their book about The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization points out on different approaches on how to manage a healthcare organization. The safety net hospitals should, therefore, adopt the given methods to achieve outcome measures and to fill the financial gap.

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By doing this, they will be able to help the unauthorized immigrants at extreme circumstances as well as the locals who cannot at times afford health care. Unauthorized health care tax funding for the illegal immigrants is immoral, inefficient, unnecessary and unconstitutional. Tax funds should only be available to illegal immigrants at extreme circumstances. The law will help reduce the tax burden that the taxpayers go through to cater to healthcare funding. On the other hand, healthcare organizations should adopt the methods discussed by Kenneth and Griffith in their book on The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization to deliver medical healthcare efficiently and effectively. The knowledge from the book will also enable them to fill the gap and deliver their facilities mission. , & Horton, R.

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